#74, #75 - good tries, but I'd like to see something more refined and elegant from you. I've mentioned already I like the way your logos for Green Light or Credit Report were done - they're simple yet elegant and have a bit of "3D feeling" in them. Please try some more for us - experiment with colours and type more. Thank you!
#83 - Yes, this is the direction I like. Could you do more variations of this one? Experiment with colours (add one or two) and the type. "ami" doesn't have to be red. I'd also like to see more versions of the shape. It now reminds me too much of Unipetrol (http://unipetrol.cz/en/), a Czech company you can't know. Thank you!
#105 - yes, this is what I had in mind! Could you please try more versions of the shape? Making it more refined, starting from one point at the top, turning it around a bit... Anything that comes to your mind really. Thank you!
reconstructed ami as an icon (A as capital letter) and i as negative space. The icon shows continuity to symbolize the support services, and solutions to complex problems. The logo is light and professional.
#132 - I like that, thanks. It doesn't seem completely finished though - I think the shape needs a few more adjustments to look even better.
Could you perhaps try to make it "less circle"? I'd love to see something a bit like your design for Greenlight Capital Markets. That's something I call a great logo.
#151 - I like this one most for now. If you can come up with some more variations, I'll be glad to see them. I'll try to give you more feedback tomorrow when I "settle down" with all designs a bit more. I've seen too many of them during today :)
Also, I'll always encourage any new ideas that you might have. Thank you.
Hi, can I ask you for some refinements on #105? I don't like the top of the shape - it doesn't seem "clean" to me. Hope you understand. Also, if you could come up with the overall simplification of the shape, I'd like to see that...
#303 - I still like #105 more. It seems more compact. In #303, I don't like the bottom part. And the top looks "too much" to me. Please take your time and submit one or two more versions of it before the end of the contest. Both your designs (this one and #151) have a chance of winning.
#365 - I like this one, but again - it doesn't seem "done" to me. When I look at it, I am like "OK, original, upbeat, but I would move this a milimetre, I would move this two milimetres" etc. You know, a perfect logo should be the one when you don't feel like changing anything. Overall however, I like it a lot. One thing maybe, the size of "ami" - it seems a but too big to me, next to the icon.
#366, #367 - They are good, but I would really stick to your original idea - #151, #365 and #368 are all better in my opinion. Btw, thank you for modifying #105 to #368 - I think it really looks better now.
#151, #368 - Hi, could I ask you to submit one or two variations of the font you used with these two logos? Something a bit lighter and more elegant. I quite like FF Daxline, but I'll leave it up to you - please send whatever font you find suitable and fitting the icons. No shiny reflections needed at the moment. Thanks!