#4-#6 Love the digger claws. A large part of APE's business is clearing land (trees) with backhoes, tractors, and tub grinders. We deal with heavy machinery. The APE in entry #4-#6 is a little bit too scary. I'd like to see something a bit more friendly. He might look less scary with a hard hat. Also would like to see red, white and blue incorporated into the logo. I think it's important to have APE either on a hard had or as seen on the bottom of #6.
Hi Fracco. The changes are great. Can you change the yellows to reds in Entry #19 and #16? If changing the hard hard to red messes up the flag, you can keep the hard hat yellow. Would like to see one with APE on the hard hat.
Just spoke with the owner and he's decided he really likes the original APE you did in #5 but without all the black background. Can we see that APE in switched with the APE in #21. Can we also see another version of the same thing (combination of #5 and #21) but with "speckled" letting like in our tub grinding logo that is uploaded in the contest description? We already have that logo on a lot of our stuff and if it was similar it would make the transition to the new APE logo smoother.
#27 & #28 with the first APE illustration, was my fault not explain why I draw it in that way, I illustrate in that way to reflect strength and power, thats what I feel when saw the big machinery monster pictures in the website, also I draw this one thinking in your first ape, with a more mature and realistic feeling rather than cartoony.
#29, please tell me if this one have the speckled texture you wanted to see.
I also add the word "APE" on the arm of the digger claws.
Can we see #27 with a blue border around the hexagon, red digger claws, and red border around the company name. Company name in white. In addition, would also like to see a hard hat on on him with APE in red, white and blue like logo #21. We like mature and realistic over cartoony like you said.
Changes in colors uploaded, I'm currently out of town with no place to draw, I'll return to my town early tomorrow, and return with the proposal of the hard hat.
Hi Fracco, can we see #36 with the hardhat on his head and claws coming from behind? Also would like to se what the APE looks like with a pupil instead of all white. Would also really like to see a way to incorporate the APE with our old logo (uploaded in the contest description) and also available at http://www.tubgrinding.com. Perhaps swap out the text from #36 and replace with text/design from our old logo.
Really beautiful work, Fracco. I really like the APE with pupils on #39. Can we also see #29 with pupils? We's like to see red stars incorporated into #39. Maybe in the "A's" you did on #29. Can we also see #39 with APE on the hard hat in all red? And replace the "APE" at the bottle with 3 red stars?
Fracco, we are very very close to making a decision with one of your designs. Can you show us #45 without the digger claws? The owner would like to see what that looks like.