Is it possible to see a version of 85 & 85 using a little lighter blue and replacing the red dots with green while using a dark grey for the text of the words? Thanks.
Hi, A fellow designer sent me a PM asking me to withdraw my entries with a customized P font and and A without a dash because he was the first one to introduce that concept in this concept. I honestly, didn't notice his entries until his PM when I was moved to no. 1 ranked. I actually sent him a PM this morning offering him a split (prize) should I win this contest of course but he hasn't replied. I'm submitting new variations of my logos with a normal P and an A with a half dash. #136, #137
Sorry to hear that someone would do that do you. I'm really liking #121 however I'm not the only one making a decision in my organization. Having said that, I was wondering if you could submit a version where you stack American Pharmaceutical Ingredients to the right of the API?
Ok so it looks like #138 is the look everyone is liking so far however one of the partners wants to see a version with the dots in silver. Can we see what that looks like? Thank you.
Sure. You can contact me anytime using the address i used to send you the additional files or here at LT by sending me a private message. Thanks again.