David, my initial concept is to incorporate a quotation mark motif with the text to provide a cohesive unit which communicates the product simply and effectively.
#149 I realize you prefer double quote marks - in this case it was too overpowering - so single quote marks it is here - I figure this is using creative license! :)
Thanks for these entries... let's try a fresh angle:
Does anything carry over to this design from the Do It! Marketing logo? Boxes perhaps? Can we try "America" in a red box and then "Talks Business" in a white rectangle enclosed by a red line?
OR... take some liberty with the brief and slap some sense into me :o)
Thanks for joining in. Really appreciate your efforts. Eager to see more from you if you have the time.
David, I don't know if you are interested in motorbikes at all but check out this site - check the logo - isn't that gorgeous! Simple type. So nice. http://www.bikeexif.com/
About the America box - I mean it has to be flexible, right? So if we box it it might become troublesome down the track, when fitting other city names.