Hello and thank you for submitting a design...there's some really nice work where. I like where you're going in #19 and # 20 -- I like the type face you used.
- I don't care for the leaf in #19 - it is not relevant to what I do/stand for. Can I see # 19 without the leaf and delete "for creative industries"? Also, can you modify the surrounding shape around Ambient PR and make a bit more space?
- # 20 -- not crazy about the brown color. Can I see a modification of the swirl pattern so that it is contained in the body of the logo and not outside of it? And, can you shift the swirls so that they go from left to right?
Thank you again for your time and interest in submitting designs to Ambient PR.
Hello again, thank you so much for sending so many new design concepts! They are all terrific, but the two that I think could work best are #49 and #42. However, on #49 can I see the design as is with the swirl removed? This would make it much simpler which I think I'm gravitating to. And, on #42 could I see the same design but in the colors of #49 and with the graphic element flushed to the right but within the rectangle? Hope my directions are clear, and appreciate the changes. Best, Vicky
Hello again...I've extended the contest. I'm gravitating to the greys and purples. (as much I like yellow, I was advised against using it in my logo so apologies for asking for that previously.)
With respect to #66, can I see that with the new colors and the letter "P" closed, not open. Can I also see a version without a background border?
Hi again...great modification on #142. Question...is the "PR" the same font as the word "Ambient"? Also, on #142, on the vertical line that separates "Ambient" and "PR" could you add a bit of purple in the middle of the line? (so, it would be grey, purple, grey) Thank you, Vicky
Thanks...what I was trying to ask for in #142 and now #148 is that the line is in multiple colors so the top of the line would be purple, then there would be a bit of grey and then purple. Hope this is more clear...