This is more of the concept, but with more of a font like #147 but with a normal "A" at the front of Amber. I don't like how it looks like an upside down "V". Also please shrink the image so it is aligned with only the words "AMBER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT" with the address coming below the image like the one ranked #2. Thanks again.
Can you try this with a normal letter "A" at the beginning? Also scale down the size of the buildings a little and slide all of the address and phone number info underneath the "AMBER" section so the buildings stand alone on the left side of everything, but keep the buildings only aligned with AMBER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. See rank #2 for the concept. Thanks
Can you try this with the same format as you see in the one I ranked 2nd place? Also maybe a different font. For some reason this lettering looks blurry. A more modern font would be nice. Thanks
Also if we choose your logo as the winner will we be able to get several formats? Like one with just the logo, one with letterhead, small version for email signature, etc?
I like this, but don't love the colors. Could you make it more solid colors? Please also remove the word "INC" from the end. It would be nice to see an option with the buildings on the left instead of on top to make it more compact. Also could you please send an option of this logo with our company letterhead underneath the logo as follows:
42 Oak Avenue, 3rd Floor
Tuckahoe, NY 10707
T: (212) 289-9200
F: (212) 289-4956
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i was sent the revisions & you can get this file format :
Please check,
42 Oak Avenue, 3rd Floor
Tuckahoe, NY 10707
T: (212) 289-9200
F: (212) 289-4956