Quite Nice, we like the originality of the sphere with the triangle. this is for bothe entry #8 and #7. We would like to see similar but different versions. the concept is quite good!
Thank you immanuel. Entry #23 and #22 are quite very nice. We preffer alittle bit morethe sphere on Entry #7 and #8 as it has an aviation shape in it. Since Entry #7 and #8 alreay have a nice sphere shape so if possible could it be possible for you to try something different than a sphere? Regards.
Hi Immanuel. For Entry #99 and #98.. we're not super confortable with the font. It looks a bit too bold. Feel free to change the font. Also we're not enthousiastic with the abstract symbols. You're good at it so feel free to try different ones! We like what you do but we would like to see different ones.