Hey, if you look at all my top ranking logos (except this one), you'll notice they all have straight lines and sharp corners. Maybe you can do something sorta like this logo, but with sharp edges?
Also, the whole thing is a little too wide (like the length to height ratio). I think another thing you may notice from my top choices is they tend to fit within more of a square.
I really like the way this one looks, but I don't know, maybe its a little too futuristic? Like it kind of looks like it'd be the logo for a company that designs spaceships or something. I might end up changing my mind after I show it to some of my peers. I REALLY like the "weight" of it though. It's BOLD, and looks cool from far away, (which I mentioned was important) probably making it the best candidate so far for a yard sign. I'd like to see it with black AND red incorporated in there.
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Also, the whole thing is a little too wide (like the length to height ratio). I think another thing you may notice from my top choices is they tend to fit within more of a square.