AlmasiLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Almasi
Almasi has selected their winning logo design.
For $475 they received 725 designs
from 63 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We are a women-owned Site Work and Underground Utility Contractor who specializes in excavation. We provide services to the pharmaceutical, healthcare, institutional and commercial construction industries.
Color Preferences
Turquoise needs to be in the logo as the main color with accents of Red, Silver and/or Gray. Logo also needs to be able to present in all black format.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Update: Please see attached current Almasi logo and incorporate similar script for Almasi into your logo. Almasi color still needs to be in the turquoise family. Thank you!
Logo needs to be strong and tell people immediately we are an excavating contractor. Logo also needs to show up well on various items and colors, such as a white hardhat, the arm, counter weight or back of a yellow or orange piece of heavy equipment ( for example: logo would appear on the arm, back and/or side of an excavator), orange safety vests, red service pickups and dump trucks. The words "Site Contractors" can be incorporated into logo but we would like to see options without it. Logo doesn't need to be in ALL CAPS. Please visit our website to learn more about Almasi.
Logo needs to be strong and tell people immediately we are an excavating contractor. Logo also needs to show up well on various items and colors, such as a white hardhat, the arm, counter weight or back of a yellow or orange piece of heavy equipment ( for example: logo would appear on the arm, back and/or side of an excavator), orange safety vests, red service pickups and dump trucks. The words "Site Contractors" can be incorporated into logo but we would like to see options without it. Logo doesn't need to be in ALL CAPS. Please visit our website to learn more about Almasi.