Entry # 39 like the idea and the font style. We would like to see the word carburetor a little bit larger. The image of the 1bbl carburetor bottom is a nice touch but we are primarily race oriented and would prefer a 4 barrel maybe behind the entire ALLSTATE CARBURETOR. Here is a link to a picture of a 4bbl base http://allcarbs.com/detail.php?pid=488&gb=1&ctgn=4&stt=0
Entry #97 Is really nice. Can you get a little more orange or red in the flames? And can you duplicate it in red and black also. Just so we can see a different color scheme, please.
for 6 entry revision, I changed some color arrangements. to look in tune with the red background, perhaps for the first entry should be ok if placed on a black background. but the red background, the legibility of the words "Allstate" becomes less clear.
and for 2 entries last revision, I just add a white contour around the words "Allstate", hope you like it
We agree. The red background is tooo much. I should have been clearer what I meant was We wanted to see the letters and baseplate in red and black. BUT I like the way the #107 and #103 came out. Yes the White around it really accents the name. We do like it.
I have moved the #107 to the rank of 1 So far this is the best. Lets see how the lettering will look in red on White background. with a black trim maybe.
okay, entry # 107 in red and white background, I do not give a black color. because black and blue colors will camouflage, especially in the light background, therefore, I just replaced the white with gray contours. only 15%, but I think it can avoid the color change the logo when used in 3 different background (red, black and white)
We still like 107 the best and We would like to see #107 the baseplate image turned/straight like in #94 but keep the flames we like the flames. And can you make the A in Allstate have point/peak on top instead of flat