AllianceRxLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / AllianceRx
AllianceRx has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 292 designs
from 56 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
We provide virtual and in-person appointment for mental health prescribing. The target audience is both 1) potential patients looking for compassionate mental health prescribing services AND 2) other mental health professionals who work with patients in need of mental health prescribing to supplement their mental healthcare
Color Preferences
Blue, green, orange, brown (tan, earthy, etc)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Include a version of an American Robin. The colors do not have to be exact, and the robin doesn't have to be realistic. You can be creative with how it's represented/included.
In our area, when robins come at the end of winter, it is a sign of spring coming soon...they are a sign of HOPE. So the logo should have a robin incorporated into it.
Our services give people HOPE for change and healing. Hope, Trust, and Safety are core components to the service we provide. We're a medical company, but emphasize relationship and the therapeutic alliance between our providers and their patients.
The attached logo is the logo for our other business: a mental health counseling company. We'd like the new logo to be somewhat, loosely connected to this logo. It can have a loose thread connecting it, maybe even just the name, but our companies are separate, but related. The new logo should also be separate, but loosely related to the current attached logo.
In our area, when robins come at the end of winter, it is a sign of spring coming soon...they are a sign of HOPE. So the logo should have a robin incorporated into it.
Our services give people HOPE for change and healing. Hope, Trust, and Safety are core components to the service we provide. We're a medical company, but emphasize relationship and the therapeutic alliance between our providers and their patients.
The attached logo is the logo for our other business: a mental health counseling company. We'd like the new logo to be somewhat, loosely connected to this logo. It can have a loose thread connecting it, maybe even just the name, but our companies are separate, but related. The new logo should also be separate, but loosely related to the current attached logo.