Two more requests: 1) for #111 could you switch the blue and orange of the wings so that the orange is closer to the "alliance" and the blue is on the right, furthest from the words?
2) I really like the design from #111, but we really want our customers/clients to recognize that the bird is a robin, not just a generic bird. I am wondering if there is a way to make a similar design but in a way that identifies the bird more as a robin? Perhaps having an orange swipe down the middle (signifying the robin's orange chest) and the two wings darker colors? I'm not sure how that would look, but am hoping you might be able to come up with something meshing your design from #111 with the picture we've attached of a robin in our design brief.
hello 10x alot i meant little a letter (the first letter from Alliance and a robin bird also..10x a lot for your ranking let me know if i can do something more about the concept :) Regards: Lilia
#134 is our favorite so far! We have been looking at it very closely and wonder if the "counseling group" under ALLIANCE" could be center justified or perhaps moved a space to the right so that it is centered a little more under "ALLIANCE?"
Thank you for the updates and continued work for us!