All That's MediaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / All That's Media

All That's Media has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 238 designs from 23 different designers from around the world.








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Hello and thank you for your submissions. I wanted to let you know that I really like the feel of your initial designs and have one request. Please re-visit what you have done and see if there is any way that you can subtly incorporate "ATM" into your designs.
10 years ago

Thank you so much for your quick turnaround on the new logos you have submitted. I REALLY like what you have done. Entries #26 and #28 are my 2 favourites of your new designs. I will be showing my business partner all of the designs later today and will provide you with more feedback then.
10 years ago
Hello again and thank you for your latest submissions.

I have just finished up a meeting with my business partner and together we have gone over ALL logos which have been submitted. Please have a look at the general comments that I have just posted for all the designers and I think will help with some feedback for you.

FYI...we also wanted to let you know that we believe you are among the best designers we have seen for understanding what we would like to accomplish. Looking at your design #4 we are wondering if you could possibly come up with a design that would put "ATM" over the word "Media"...and the same for design #5...adding ATM into that existing logo is also something we would be really interested in seeing.

Thank you for your work on this for us and we look forward to seeing what else you might be able to come up with.

10 years ago

Once again...thank you for your re-design of #76 and #77. I like #77 SLIGHTLY better, and will show my partner tomorrow. Please be assured you will DEFINATELY be one of our finalists. I'm sure we'll be in touch again soon.
10 years ago
AGAIN...thank you for showing us why you are hands down our favorite for being in the top 5 designers we have seen We look forward to working more with you as decide on our final designs.
10 years ago
Hello again

After going thru the 5 final designers...I would like to request 2 things...

#1...Can you please tweak the design that you see is ranked #1 and #2 to give more emphasis and attention to the word MEDIA. Also...we prefer the design where ATM is a bit smaller and the name of our company punches out a bit more in the logo. you have anything else...any other original designs that you would like to submit for our consideration. We would appreciate seeing anything else you might have for ideas.

Thank you

10 years ago
Thank you very much for all of your new submission variations. There are a couple that I have to say I quite like. I will speak with my partner later today and get back to you with more feedback ASAP.
10 years ago
Thank you for submitting all the different versions of logos for us. We now have a very good grasp on the design of your's that we like the best. My partner and I are now asking for opinions from some other people and will re-align the exact ranking later this afternoon/early least a couple hours before the contest closes.

Please note that one of your designs will DEFINATELY be in our top 5...and we have been very impressed with what you have submitted. Right now we are having some difficulty deciding and need to step away for a few hours to make our final decision.

We welcome you to send anything else you might be thinking of...but it's not necessary for you to that unless you have something totally different than what you have already shown us.

Thank you
10 years ago

Hello again and first of all congratulations for being ranked #1 with my partner and I in search of our new logo.

Thank you for submitting additional versions for our consideration. My apology that I have been away from the office for a couple of days, and only able to respond today. I will go over all of your revised designs with my partner shortly and get back to you ASAP.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
hello :D
10 years ago

For Entries #220/#221...could we please see what the logo would look like in the BLUE/BLACK/GREY colour combinations. (Similar to the colours you used in Entry #85)

Thank you
10 years ago
Logo Designer
my submission update.

10 years ago

Thank you ...I will provide more feedback after speaking with my business partner
10 years ago
Hello again...

Here is what we are hoping you can do for us. (Using logo #85 and #222)

#1...can you take the grey coloured splash and lettering and make it a bit DARKER. I'm not thinking black...but something with just a bit more punch than the tone of grey you are using. We're not sure if that will give us exactly what we're looking for or not...but if it's not a lot of work we would appreciate seeing that. Design #85...would it be possible to create a version that will provide a shadow effect on the words "All That's Media" (I hope that describes it well enough for you) We are thinking this might give us a bit more depth in the design with an opportunity to use it with the ATM initials over well as on it's own without the initials for certain applications.

#2...Although the blue/orange combination was originally our first choice---the blue/grey/black is a combination that is growing on us more we go thru everything. Do you have ANY other colour combinations that you think would be appropriate, knowing these have been our consistent 1-2 choices?

Thank you for all of your work...and we believe we are very close to picking our final design with you.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
my submission update #224 #225 #226 #227

10 years ago
Logo Designer
10 years ago

Hello again...

We are very close to making our decision----however my business partner is away until Monday morning. Before he left we had shortened our list to 3 versions of your logo.

#180 is still on our short-list in the original blue/orange colours you submitted. However we really like the subtle shadow effect you have shown in #227. Please let us know if you believe that effect would work with those original colours.

For it possible to see the words "All That's" in the dark grey colour you are already using, and the word "Media" is in the same blue colour you are currently using in the word That's.

Finally...the 3rd one we like equally as well is #223. If this happens to be our final choice, we would request that the gray splash you are using across the ATM is darker as you have used in design #225.

I hope this feedback is helpful...and I'm confident we will have a final answer for you with our decision no later than Monday morning 12 noon EST.

Thank you

10 years ago

Thank you again for providing these most recent versions. #228 and #230 are exactly what I was hoping to see.

For #229 I think I did a poor job explaining what I was hoping to see compared to #227.

What I'm hoping to see in #229 is "All That's" in the same dark grey colour you have been using...but neither word in a bold font. For the word "Media"...that is what I would like to see in the bold font (in the same blue you have been using)----so it becomes the most dominant word of the 3.

Similar to how you have shown "Media" as the most dominant word in # 230 is the impact I'm looking for. The shadows looks great...and I really like everything else you have done to adjust things as I've been requesting.

Thank you very much again...and I look forward to picking a final design when I get together with my partner tomorrow morning.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
hello ... :D
10 years ago
Hello again....sitting here with my partner for making a final decision.

We are tossed between TWO the 2 different colours.

SO>>>if you can do the following for us...we will give you a decision VERY quickly

#2221 and #230...please make the ATM portion of the logo 50-60% of the current size shown
#227 and #228...SAME thing...please make the ATM portion of the logo about 60% of what is shown.

Thank you for doing this and we'll give you our final decision very quickly.

10 years ago
Hello again....sitting here with my partner for making a final decision.

We are tossed between TWO the 2 different colours.

SO>>>if you can do the following for us...we will give you a decision VERY quickly

#2221 and #230...please make the ATM portion of the logo 50-60% of the current size shown
#227 and #228...SAME thing...please make the ATM portion of the logo about 60% of what is shown.

Thank you for doing this and we'll give you our final decision very quickly.

10 years ago

thank you for the latest revsions.

We have decided we like your versions #232 and #233 the best. Can you please shrink the size of the ATM portion of the logo even further for us...and add your shadow effect to the word MEDIA.

Thank you
10 years ago
Thank you very much for doing this last revision for us. I'm sure we'll have a final decision for you very shortly.

One question that my web consultant asked me to ask you. With whatever design we choose as our final choice...would you also be able to provide us with a copy in an "ai" file format or are there extra charges for doing that? I hope it's OK asking this question.

Thank you
10 years ago

I am SO SORRY to ask for this...but can you show us what #237 would look like going back to the lighter grey coloured swoosh thru the ATM portion of the logo. (Sam colour as you originally used in design #223) We like the size and everything about #237 that you have done...but we're wondering if it would soften up the ATM portion but changing that colour

Thank you

10 years ago
Logo Designer
A: would you also be able to provide us with a copy in an "ai" file format or are there extra charges for doing that?
B: AI files included, no additional fee

10 years ago

THANK YOU>>>>I will send you a personal note shortly to let you know which logo we will officially post as the winning entry in the next few minutes.

Thank you again for all of your assistance and help as we went thru our design process with you. Everything you have done was appreciated VERY much!!

10 years ago

ONE MORE TIME>>>>I wanted to say thank you for all of the work you put into our design. We are very happy and just wanted to say congratulations winning our logo tournament contest.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
please your email address, I will send AI file

10 years ago

My email address is and I appreciate you sending the AI file for my web-consultant.

ALSO>>>can you please tell me if your files have any background or is it a pure logo file that I'll be able to drop into whatever document and location I need?? (I hope this makes sense)


10 years ago
Logo Designer
Please "Approve" link under My Account > My Ended contests.

10 years ago
Hello again,

I am having my web designer do a quick inspection of the EPS and Ai versions of the logos for me...and will hopefully have their feedback soon being able to approve everything for you. I also understand that I am allowed to request the following versions from if you can help provide this to me, it will be appreciated.

#1...a Black and White version of the logo
#2...a version with NO background fill (What has been loaded to the contest site all has a white background)

Thank you again for looking after this for me and we'll have everything approved for you ASAP so you can claim your contest $$.



10 years ago

Thank you again for all your work with creating our new logo. I have approved and authorized payment for you.

FYI...I have had someone else create the png files that I was looking for...and I apologize for not being 100% clear with what I was actually looking for. I'm not a I'm sorry about that.

IF possible...I would appreciate a black and white version of the it would really help.

Thank you again and all the best for success in future tournament entries.


10 years ago
Logo Designer
I hope you are happy with the logo of my


10 years ago
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