great! love the icon - could you provide an example with black outline to the words or wherever you feel will provide definition, our bag is red that this logo will be used on.
great! love the icon - could you provide an example with black outline to the words or wherever you feel will provide definition, our bag is red that this logo will be used on.
great! love the icon #29 - could you provide an example with black outline to the words or wherever you feel will provide definition, our bag is red that this logo will be used on.
I thought I'd see what it looks like on a red background since that's where it would be going! I've made the text white as it stands out strongly, but kept the gradient effect on the icon.
With this one I thought I'd see how it looks in just black and white ... and I think the icon still works strongly in two colours, which also makes it stand out on the red.
You can always have multiple versions of the logo, 1 for you print i.e. full colour, and then version in 1 colour for embroidered items etc