Thanks Walfred. Could we look at changing the dot on the 'i' to a tiny pawprint. Maybe looking at a version between the sexy fox and the sleek fox? Thank you! Ali
Thank you for #45- can we change the yellow with volume to the white with volume like in #21 and #36. Can we also change the head back to a similar feminine one in #21 and #36? Thanks!
If you can make the above changes in the 5:15am post can you then make a version that incorporates the I AM a Fox slogan somehow/somewhere? It's night in Australia so I'll be offline soon but on again early. Thank you!
Thank you! I am loving every one of your designs. Hard as every fox character would represent a different line of my pants so well. So it's just hard focusing on the one that represents the overall brand best. I am liking #60 at the moment. I will rerank and provide more feedback. I'm leaning towards the pink dot on the Ali instead of the pawprint.
I reall like the circle in #46 as a concept for the logo on my compression pants. I'm looking at using my current camouflage pawprint (as its already registered trademark) but putting it in a circle like this so it can go on any designed print on the front hip.
I'm looking forward to your new approach. Thank you for your work. Ali
Hi Ali, I just received a message from another designer, the one who is in second place, asking me to remove all my entries due to the pawprint, he/she is claiming that he/she did it first. Unfortunately people just to react kind of aggressive when they feel threatened by another concept sending us to "logo court" (place that the administrators have the authority to eliminate you from the contest) due to some similarities, I don't want to take the risk and I will withdraw those logos where the pawprint is included, fortunately you are looking to have the dot back on the letter "i".
Hi Walfred- sorry I just got your message. That is a bit silly as it says in the rule guideline that concepts that are obvious will be fair game 'for example a dog & cat for a pet hospital' which would extend to a Fox or a pawprint for Ali Fox which was in my request and initial designs. I am a lawyer though so I totally understand 'logo court' and that you don't want to risk it. I did like the concept with the dot for the 'i' so am happy to rank on that. I still have the original pawprint trademarked and am happy to continue to use that or to create a new concept once this contest closes. I will re-rank now.
If you did come up with your other approach as per your earlier message or concept let me know.
On #73 and #72 can we add in the I AM a Fox slogan somewhere or somehow? Doesn't need the pawprint- I'm just looking for a font that would look good on the pants or on the inner label.
oopps sorry, I didn't see the message about the latest concept. Let me work on the new requirement at my office, over here is time to have my kids ready for school.
Still a bit undecided between #72 and #73. #73 I think I may like better with legs but that may also take away from the simplicity. Have you been able to incorporate the I AM a FOX yet? Thanks! Ali
I am so sorry for the delay, today was kind of crazy at the office. Finally I was able to upload some variations with different fonts and different places, even with the character flipped to have another angle, that always helps to see the concept with fresh eyes. Always simplicity is the best ally but the most important thing is that you feel happy with the result knowing that your logo is going to fit in every material, easy to use in different medias and so on, even a black & white version if you are planning some day to pay an add in a local newspaper is not a bad idea.
Thank you Walfred- I have re-ranked - really like #96. Yes good to think big picture. Think this Fox is more all around than the other one. May play with the colours after as I would like to see black and white and also in burnt orange. I'm attached to pink but Foxes are orange so may be good to see.
That being said, here you will find the most common options: for embroidery, mugs, t-shirts or stickers solid colors (not necessary black or white only) #107 & #105. For printing in newspaper #107 , #105 , #108 & #104 (color version is used when the budget is high, color printing in newspaper is pricey). All the remaining versions will be used for magazines, banners and so on #110 , #109 , #106. Sorry if you already know all this kind of stuffs.
Thanks Walfred! I do love the Orange. Have re-ranked as 1 but just getting input from business partners.
Question- at the end do we just get the final winning design files or also get additional images- like different colours and variations throughout the challenge? Ex black and white version or a different colour- like orange and pink? Not sure as this is my first tournament. If you don't know I can contact the challenge and ask!
One more thought- on #109 can we do 'activewear' a bit thicker font so it stands out? And also change I AM A FOX to I AM a FOX and maybe try the same font as the other text? Just a thought- not sure how it will look but good to compare. Thanks!!
You will get as much as you need, actually, we keep in contact via personal email just in case something happens and you need to do a change in your logo, no charges will apply so don't worries, you are in good hands!.
I normally work from 4:00 am to 7:00 am everyday, that is why I don't upload that fast, I have to take care of my kids in the day/evenings/almost midnight LOL....
I will do the adjustments and upload them as soon as I finish them!
Sorry for the delay, I just finished #135 , the text "I AM a FOX" is the same used in "Ali Fox" , the only difference is that I kept its normal size, if you compare them you will notice that "Ali Fox" was stretched 60% on the sides to make it wider. The text "activewear" is thicker as you requested.
I just want to mention that I was trying to give you a second option where the character was standing and I decided to stop it for two reasons, first, it was getting to tall and second having the legs in that pose was creating a funny ugly hole in the middle due to the original shape that I created for the torso, is like an eight/infinite shape. I hope it makes sense to you. If you happen to want that kind of pose just let me know so I can start redrawing the character again but only the torso and kipping the rest the way they are.
Hi Walfred. Thank you for the new design. I think you're right though- the legs take away fro The simplicity and beauty of the shape. So I think keep the original one with no legs but with the new font.
I'm really torn between the pink and orange! I put a vote on my facebook business page but pretty even voting. One girl did mention a concept of doing a pink to orange blend. I'm not sure how that would work though. Maybe that could work in the Ali Fox or in the word activewear? Not sure if you have thoughts on that?
I would be interested to see the fox standing. But I do love the infinity shape.
Blending this two colors are hard because they are not complementary colors, lets try this without compromising the great character that has each color individually #151
Thanks Walfred. I'm leaning towards #152 and #154. #152 great as a logo but #154 would work much better on the actual pants. I do know what you mean about the words getting a bit lost. I'll look through the different fonts and variations again.
Hi Walfred- are you able to send an email address so I can show you a photo of the blending pink/orange? I think it would work really well in the font. I feel the number one rank is lost in the page. I'm hoping to finalise it soon so I can select the winning design.
Hi Walfred- any updates? I'm keen to finalise and pick my top designer. My clients are all attaching to number 2 rank but I'm still loving your design so hoping with the new font it will sway them.
Thank you Walfred- they stand out much more! Can you apply the font in #160 to #154 so I can see how it would looks if I use the circle design as the emblem on the pants? Thank you! Ali
Awesome! Thank you! Great to compare a final few! With #163 can we add the same outer circle that you've used in #68? It has that bit of extra shading that makes it stand out.