#167: This is a cool and very different setup! As far as I can see, different from all other entries. Cool! I think its hair has too much "wind from behind". It is cool and dynamic, but too much I think.
#172: My favorite so far, it is becoming something good now. Very good setup (is that the right word? Sorry for my very Norwegian kind of english). Play a little with the expression, appearance and personality of the mascot. I have described rather thoroughly what we are looking for. But, it is very near.
#172: The mascots gives me associations to Alladin with the lamp. I dont want Alfahannen to be Alladin. But your design makes me want to see more of you....
#198: Yes, you managed to give him a new appearance! I like #198 the best. I don't mean to be unfriendly with our new friend, but he could need lose some weight. Otherwise he will get very tired in this trail run. Could you put him on diet?