To be honnest I'm really proud of the entry #154. I think, no offence, that adding laurels in this design makes it to heavy, to many elements and somewhat bulky. I think simple like this works well on any size and is on the subject.
A small change that i made in this one is the nouance of red. I changed it into a pompeian red, the red nouance mainly used in the age of the Roman empyre. Small detail but I think it helps.
If you want any more changes please let me know but I stand tall behind this version with pride :).
Marius, I know I currently do not have you in first, but I was wondering how hard it would be to change the soccer ball to a basketball or volleyball. If that is easy to do, I can move you in to first to submit. Thanks.
It's not that hard and if I still have a chance to this contest I would like to take it. The problem is that right now here is 1 oclock in the night. I will be available to do those changes only in the morning in about 7 hours if it's ok with you.
#154 Can I see it in a 4 color rendering. (red,black, white, and a fourth color) If it works in only 3 colors I guess that is fine too. Knowing that I need the design for website, t-shirts, and other marketing materials, just seeing how it translates. Thanks.
Uploaded new versions but I strongly advise against using mare colors. The more colors are in a logo is harder to put them on a t-shirt (for example) other then black and white.
I am also uploading the original logo on different dark and bright backgrounds so you can see the potential of application. The only difference is that on dark backgrounds the text became white.
Also seeing this now an ideea pops into my mind. This logo is very adaptable for different sports as you suggested me by requesting the different balls inside. Thid could be the main logo of your business and you can have different sublogos for each sport. Those would be with the respective ball and a different color of the ring for each sport. These are just suggestions and possibilities of usage in the future.
Hope this helps. For any other requests I am here.
Thanks for the logo updates, it helps to see on different backgrounds of colors. You are following my thought processes on pretty closely. I will be back in touch shortly.
what font are you currently using? Also, can I see the logo with a couple different fonts. I like the current font, but feel that I should see it with some variety.
I tryed different fonts and combinations from classic to modern. Also I had an ideea. In #236 I made the "O" a top view of a coliseum type stadium. This is if you want to use just the text of the logo to have a little catchy detail related to the name. Nothing to complicated or obious, just a little detail that would surprise people when they realise what it is.
Two more variations I would like to see. Both to #154. Can I see it with the coliseum and red ring slightly larger with the text size unchanged. And can I see he logo with a soccer ball as the o in the word Coliseum. Thank you.
regarding #219 and #154 if you take a look a closer look at the ring around the coliseum there is another white glow on the inside that gives it a little more 3D feel.
regarding the soccer ball in the letter o, jesicastudio already used that concept and we are not allowed to use concepts from other designers only if they were sugested in the first place by contest holder.