Aletheia (and possibly - Health Partners)Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aletheia (and possibly - Health Partners)

Aletheia (and possibly - Health Partners) has selected their winning logo design.

For $675 they received 596 designs from 89 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Your trusted partner in healthcare operations
What We Do
Our audience is Healthcare administrations of hospitals and Community Health Centers or Federally Qualified Health Centers.
Color Preferences
Blue, White Purple, Gray.

However, open to all colors.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Aletheia is the greek word for "Truth". This spelling is specific to the New Testament Christian Bible.

The logo can be just based off of Aletheia, or the whole name, Aletheia Health Partners, or the acronym AHP. Additionally, if there are unique images that represent truth, particularly ones related to the Greek word associated with it (**** - but NOT related to Greek mythology ****) or ones related to Healthcare, those would be fine.

**** UPDATE **** I forgot to mention we have a sister company which is more mature. It's a pharmacy company which will work in tandem with Aletheia. I've uploaded the Logo for that company. I did not know if that design would have any influence on the Aletheia design, but wanted to provide it just incase. It's called PharmD on Demand:
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