Alaska CakesationsLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Alaska Cakesations

Alaska Cakesations has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 156 designs from 17 different designers from around the world.


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Logo Designer
First submission. Any comments or concerns would be welcomed. Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #23)
16 years ago
#23 - That's pretty cool and interesting. I like how you incorporated the Alaska flag into the design. Could I see a similar version of this with a cake that is a bit more elegant and incorporate a bit more darker pink into the mix? I like the light yellow/blue behind the cake and I also like the fonts that you used, so you don't have to change those. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with.

16 years ago
#23 - I forgot to add that I like the pedestal. Maybe with the next version try the same idea but a bit shorter. Thanks
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the revised design. Thanks so much for the comments, Hoping were going in the right direction. If you need to see anything else, just let me know. Thanks alot, Pat

(This comment references Entry #41)
16 years ago
#41 - I like that a lot better, and I like how you used the two colors in the one word. That makes it very easy to read and it really pops out. If you have any other ideas I would love to see them.
16 years ago
Hi Pat, the competition is getting pretty stiff. Could I see a completely different version of a cake but leave the font and the way you did the coloring the same? I would still like to see the new cake with the Alaska flag on it like you did, that is very unique, so you can keep some dark blue elements in there. Maybe there could be a dark blue glow behind the stars and the cake be maybe a lighter blue. Just a thought! Thanks
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Heres the revised design. Felt that I had to change the type around abit because of the style of the illustration of the new cake... hope you like the direction were going. Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #70)
16 years ago
#70 - I love it!! Could I just see it with the "Cake" in the darker pink like on the other version and the tag line in black? Absolutely love it.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Well I know we could work out the kinks..... And come up with something you would like! Expect the next round of design with the little tweeks shortly.... Thanks for all the great direction! Pat

16 years ago
Hi Pat, I was looking at it closer and I have just a couple more tweeks to add to it if you don't mind.

Could the pink swish behind the cake be the darker pink, the same as the "cake" part that I want changed, and could you also try the Big Dipper stars in the darker pink as well. They don't show up as well on this cakes background. I was first thinking black but I don't know if that will help much. I still think I want the big star the way it is. Thanks
16 years ago
Sorry, another idea. Could I see all those same changes also with a 3 tiered cake on a pedestal like you did on the other one but a bit shorter? Just take off that top blue tier, no need to change the rest of the cake. Maybe you could try on that one a topper that is like a few stars poking out of the top on wires??? If I'm confusing you please let me know.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the revised design with your comments. Take a look and let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #84)
16 years ago
#84 - I like that better for sure, but there is still something that I love about the 2nd one you did (#41). For #84, could I just see this exact same cake but all in the dark blue with the yellow stars like #41? Could you also make the tag line a bit smaller but still keep it black. I like the flowers that you put at the bottom of #41, so maybe could you try that as well in the two shades of pink like you did. I don't know if that will be too much for that style cake?? The only other thing I can think of is that I like is the "Cakesations" after the "A" on Alaska and if you can just make it a bit slanted. I hope that I'm making sense. I really like everything, I'm just trying to get it tweeked to make it perfect. =)

16 years ago
#41 - Could I see this with the background behind the cake just like the one in 84? Could I see a version with the blue/pink background just like it and then another version where the larger part is in light pink and then with the bright pink circle just as it is.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, Sharon here ya go... Hoping I hit all your comments. But by chance I didnt, just let me know what else I can do for ya. But there was one I quite didnt understand. The one about the "a" at the end of Alaska.... So that one wasnt done, So maybe you can try to explain that one one more time for me.... But anyway, take a look and let me know what cha think. Thanks for the comments, hope were getting close to where you want to be. Thanks, Sharon, Pat ( 2 submissions/Color back ground alts.)

(This comment references Entry #90)
16 years ago
Sorry. To explain better on your question; I liked the "C" in Cakesations to start behind the "A" in Alaska just like in #41 with a bit of an italic look to it. Hope tht makes better sense. I like the new versions with the dark blue cake. I also liked better the darker pink for the "Cake" part of Cakesations just like on #41 as well. Things are getting closer, thanks for dealing with all my revisions. I want to be happy with my logo for a very long time and have no regrets about the one I choose.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey No worries.... Hang in there, we'll get right where you want to be. Ill submit revisions in the morning!

talk later, Pat
16 years ago
Logo Designer
OK, here is the revised design. Took care of the type request. But I also moved over the pink ring to the rignt to fill the void that we created when moving the type to the right. Take a look and let me know what you think.

Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #92)
16 years ago
#92 - I like that better, and I see what you're saying about the ring, I think that looks better too. A couple more tweeks to it I would like to try.

1)Could we downsize the cake a bit? I think it looks a little too big in comparison to the wording.
2)Could you take the big dipper from #41 instead, that looks more authentic to the Alaska flag?
3)Could we try a couple of the pink flowers as the topper instead of the swirl?
4)The "cake" in cakesations fuschia pink, it's still a bit too light for me.
5)Could we try the cake tiers with a bit less of the angles, but still keep some of it for the character of the cake.

That's all for now, thanks again for all your work on it. I know it's going to be great!!
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Well, here ya go.... Take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #95)
16 years ago
#41 - Could I get this one with the tag line in black and centered under the "Cakesations". Could I also get a version without anything behind the cake and then one with the rings from #92 behind it? I also would like a dark pink flower on top instead of the swirl. There is just something about this one that still catches my eye.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the revised designs sending two. one with background and one without. Take a look and let me know. thanks Sharon, Pat

(This comment references Entry #96)
16 years ago
Could I get the wording (fonts) from #95 put on #41, and could you downsize the background on #41 so it's not so big and put a dark pink flower on top. That might do the trick.
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Good Morning Sharon, Sorry for the delay on getting the revisions to you. Kids alittle sick.... But anyway here is the revised design. Just take a look and let me know where were standing with this one. Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #99)
16 years ago
Hi Pat. Sorry, you may have missunderstood me. You put the picture with the wrong wording and background. Please refer back to my note from the 25th. The font from #95 was the one that I want with the dark pink "Cake" and the Cakesations was in italics. On this one the "C" started after the "A" like I liked as well. I also wanted the background from #41, the 2nd one you ever did for me with the yellow/blue background. I just think that it may be a bit big and so I wanted it a bit smaller. Please let me know if you need more clarification.

Also; I don't think I like the flower on top either, could we just do it with no topper, because I really don't like the little swirl either.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Sharon, Sorry or the delay, But more important sorry for the confusion on my part. I did two versions one with rose on top and one with the swirl visual, Still didnt know which way you what direction you wanted to go. But think this is what you were asking for. And if not just let me know. Take care and talk soon. Pat

(This comment references Entry #102)
16 years ago
Hi Pat. #102 is almost perfect. I would like to see the yellow shading behind the cake moved up on the left side. I like where the bottom of it sits, but I feel that it's sticking out a bit on the outside. Maybe you could just move the cake over to the left a bit so it's not so close to the "A". I don't know if that would make it easier to move that yellow shadow. Also, could you just shrink the cake a bit so it's not so big without changing anything on it? I think the top of the cake should just be right under the highest point of the "A" in Alaska.

Note: Could I see the above version also with no swirl on the top.

16 years ago
When you do the final couple, I do need all the beginning letters of the tag line in caps and a "registered" R after it instead of the TM.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are the revisions designs, I can see the light!...=-) 2 versions with and without swirl. Take care and have a good weekend. Pat

(This comment references Entry #127)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Sharon, Here they are again, Anything else, jus let me know. Thanks again, Pat

(This comment references Entry #140)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Well, Havent heard anything from ya, so just wondering if were "square" Happy with where the logo is and if not hopefully I will be getting any comments for revisions.

Thanks, Pat
16 years ago
#140 - I just noticed something. Could you do the "A" on Alaska like the "A" on #41? The stroke comes all the way down to the bottom of the "C" on Cakesations and I like that better. I hope you get this before the end.

16 years ago
Logo Designer
Hey Sharon, Tried to get this in last night but just ran out of gas.... But here is the revised file " Cap A in Alaska"

If you need anything else, jsut let me know. Thanks, Pat

(This comment references Entry #155)
16 years ago
#155 - Hi Pat, It's perfect except that it's missing the swirl on the top. Once that's put back on I will submit you as the winner.

Thanks for everything,
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Have swirl will travel..... Thanks for everything!

(This comment references Entry #156)
16 years ago
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