Hi Logostudio. Thanks very much for your great work. I love your designs but let me comment so we can find the right road forward. Entry #72, no, not really the concept I'm looking for - good for martial arts. Entry #73, similar to many of the entries, and a very obvious way to go given the story but a little too flimsy. Entry #70 is spectacular, absolutely brilliant but i'm hearing performance sports car, not airline. Entry #68 brilliant but getting a little too close for comfort to the recent new American Airlines emblem and even though I'm seeing one element of the wing in here, if you could find a way to bring in another one or two and stay more or less within the "general" geometry of the triangle, we could be on to something! Entry # 71 - BRILLIANT ! Better ! Look at the original wing. 3 elements to it. Item #71 has 2, try to find a way to introduce a third. Entry #74, very good indeed. Again quite a common concept but given the strict brief thats not unfair and this one is very, very good. Let's see where that road leads us....
#71/149 concept better than filled versions. More subtle. I like sculpted version of #71, more styled. Do it in the gold of #149 and let's see? I will NOT RANK or POST these now as too many copy cats now !!!
Also about #71 version, the double visual sign is the representation of the wing in gold with the subtle eagles/falcons head inside. This is a very crucial element!
All nice but going too far away from original concept. #160 good, but ordinary when compared to #71. #159 I'm not liking, a bit confusing. #71 and #74 concepts are the best so far. Work on those, put them in red out of the satin silver fuselage and let's see? See what titling you choose for this scheme?
#71 - try to move the eagles head up a slight bit. Cut a small wedge into the lower gold portion heading half way up North East direction. End in a point half way up. Let's see what that does?
ha ha my native language IS English! tambien hablo Espanol pero no puedo explicar bastanbte bien en Espanol, mejor que contuamos en Ingles! Ok, escuchame bien....
#71 is about half way down the triangle. Put it a little higher, say ten percent.
The lower portion of the triangle will now be bigger.
Dissect it midway down with a similar smaller curve (without falcons head) into triangle thereby creating 3 elements of the wing.
If I could send you one hand drawn image in half a second you would understand compleytely but it seems there is no way to that on here.
It's a pity because visual interaction is really needed for serious design work and that is what this is!
I'm sorry, I really enjoy your company and I would love to be part of the development of the logo, for me this would be a showcase for my work marnifico.
but there is a designer who claims the rights of this idea, the idea of the bird is, I thought you asked in the report but I and not realized.
I'm confused. One designer did submit the head of the bird first, many others did later. This may be "copying", it may be not. As my brief CLEARLY states, the wing and bird is a common element used in aviation and can not be seen as proprietary. If someone has forced you to remove your designs, or not submit a similar design, I may want to know who it is and I might want to contact the LT authorities or withdraw my contest.
In the same light, does that mean each designer who submitted a wing needs to withdraw because the first one who submitted it did so first?
Dasx was the first person who put the bird like design with the eye. This is true. Dasx commented me this morning that he will withdraw because many others have submitted similar designs. This is true. The nature of the competition, and the CH prioritising designs means that designers will gravitate towards what they see the CH likes, and this happened with both the bird and the wings. I don't believe it is correct that you have been forced to withdraw your designs because of this and I have emailed MY COMPLAINT to LT Support. My brief clearly states that the wing and bird are common, common themes in aviation and although your designs were of similar nature to his, they were not the same and deserve to be on there. We will see what LT says. If what dasx says is true, then surely Egyptair and many others will not be happy that we are using a similar motif. That is ridiculous.
#177 is excellent but we have the daxs issue. Also #147 has elements of design that I MYSELF HAVE done and drawn here and want to use in the final design, does that mean I can't use it!!!! It's getting messy!!!!
DAXS can open an LC (trial) if you think you are copying, the sent me a private message asking for my removal of my designs, seeing that all others continue with the designs of birds that will be understood that the bird is a common element in this case.
I am content to leave the matter in the hands of LT and the designers. It is up to them to decide. I will react to all the designs with an even hand and gracious eye.
#259 - Nice. #255 - Try moving the lines in the same way but to the triangle part. Take out the outline around the bird and leave the bird in red (more subtle effect). Let's see what that does? It's important we get the elements of the wing and with the bird so prominent, we lose that!
#71 is still the best and after making a lot of drawings, it can be illustrated well enough on the tail. I would like to see concept #71 in red on the silver background, also in gold on the silver background, let us look at it's potential on the fuselage. The important elements are that the upper and lower portions represent the soaring wings, with the subtle inverted eagle showing through.
#149 -The eye is subtle, understated and that is important. #71 - This is very close because the slight angle of the bird denotes taking flight and the more flared geometry of the wings lends itself more to the original intent and is a stronger link with the historical logo. Do you see the effect you have used on the bird in #147. The fine horizontal lines. Try using #149 and doing them but NOT on the bird , on the edges of the upper and lower wing. Do them very fine, very subtle, same strength as you have done the eye in #149. This concept has a lot of promise!
#71 - I'm thinking, reproduce this one, this time, the bird in gold, the tri-angle in red, without gleam, the eye in red of course. You can leave it on the same red background, you will see what I am trying to achieve. Then reproduce it again, this time as above but the tri-angle and eye in red but with gleam. On a silver background. This is the tail concept and the fuselage concept, different. Thanks!
CONCEPT #329/330 is the best of them. The others are good but #329/330 are the best. If they will work now depends on colours and how they are put on the airframe. The only thing I need to see now are the different colour combinations. Gold triangle - red eagle. Red triangle - gold eagle Red triangle - silver eagle Silver triangle - red eagle. Silver triangle - gold eagle Tedious i know, but it's a huge factor in what will go where and how. If this would be the proper corporate image, i think the official version will be red eagle on gold triangle, but even if that is the case, it might be displayed differently on the aircraft. #328 is nice but i dont want to lose the orientation and flare of the wings that Concept #329/330 has and I think this is the design we must work on now, and leave the rest to fate!
Gold eagle not so great, but i've just worked out colour scheme #349, #352 not needed. The colours are ONLY - Gold triangle - red eagle, Red triangle - silver eagle, Silver triangle - red eagle. Now I would like you to try these colours in triangle of style #148. It might be better suited. I think that will just about be the best we can do!
OK, I see why you did that. Then, the alternative is to take out the vertical lighting/shadow effect off the bird and leave it just flat as #350 / #351, which is where we were but hard to beat those!