Entry # 5. This is a bit too modern looking for my taste. The elements that I like in this design are the colors. The contrasting red and blue. And I like the arch reflecting element as well.
Entry # 4. Seems too rigid and don't like the single use of color. Would like to see two colors used as in your other designs.
Entry # 3. I like where this one is going. If you could make the letters a little less modern looking and the red design element uses in the "A" kind of looks like a road coming toward you. Maybe play that up a little bit more since my company will be geared toward Automotive industry (Auto = road).
Entry # 12. I like what you did there with road. Maybe play that up a little bit more with dotted line down middle or lines on side. Also can you add words Automotive Interactive Marketing Solutions beneath logo with accompanying font. Also, I'm not crazy about the "S" that you're using. Seems too rigid.
Regarding Entry #34. That changed the design a bit too much from Entry #2. I still like Entry #2 very much. Can you just add the words "Automotive Interactive Marketing Solutions" to Entry # 2 using black font. Thanks.