AeroglyphicsLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Aeroglyphics
Aeroglyphics has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 71 designs
from 16 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
Inspired. Airborne. Photography.
What We Do
Precision aerial photography and digital imaging, including video production, survey and inspection.
Color Preferences
Probably something monochromatic to start, maybe in a simple black, white or grey.
I like the use of a touch of red, blue, gray or silver as an accent or highlight. I'm flexible
I like the use of a touch of red, blue, gray or silver as an accent or highlight. I'm flexible
Our Ideas & Additional Information
The name Aeroglyphics (AeroGlyphics is interchangeable) is a play on Aero, having to do with airplanes, drones and flight, and glyphics, having to do with traditional writings / markings / artwork / symbols.
I originally thought of using some clever combination of the photo aperture, wings / propellers of some type and a traditional Egyptian symbol or hieroglyph, and also thought about using a Scarab beetle (wings open?) somehow combined with modern or abstract wings or propellers.
Maybe a pharaoh mask profile or a dragon with wings or propellers, or something similar? I am open to detailed or simple, abstract or otherwise. I have no idea...which is why LOGOTOURNAMENT.
I originally thought of using some clever combination of the photo aperture, wings / propellers of some type and a traditional Egyptian symbol or hieroglyph, and also thought about using a Scarab beetle (wings open?) somehow combined with modern or abstract wings or propellers.
Maybe a pharaoh mask profile or a dragon with wings or propellers, or something similar? I am open to detailed or simple, abstract or otherwise. I have no idea...which is why LOGOTOURNAMENT.