Advanced Rx ManagementLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Advanced Rx Management
Advanced Rx Management has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 277 designs
from 38 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Pharmaceutical service and management company. Our target audience are physicians. With our services, physicians can support all their patients with their medication needs through in office dispensary and retail pharmacy.
We provide physicians with the ability to provide their patients fast and convenient access to medications directly from the their office or by mail. Our services directly impact patient convenience, care, and well-being at their personal physician’s office.
We provide physicians with the ability to provide their patients fast and convenient access to medications directly from the their office or by mail. Our services directly impact patient convenience, care, and well-being at their personal physician’s office.
Color Preferences
Grey, Blue, White
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Simple and professional look. We want the logo to fit in the medical and/or pharmaceutical industry.