We do like the stomach and scope, as much as we try to get away from it, but we want the focus to be on our name and not the initials as we don't think that we will ever be known by our initials. We also want to use a softer blue.
We like the direction you're going and the move away from the initials AGA. We know we mentioned black and silver, but now feel that we want to try more blue-green. We like the way #7 finds a way to highlight both the words "Advanced" and "Gastroenterology", and #8 would make a great badge or shoulder patch. As far as emblems go we definitley prefer #8 to #3.
You have been very responsive to our suggestions. We would like to see a hybrid between #72 and #7 with the coloring and boldness of 72 but the underlining of Advanced and the highlighting of Gastroenterology of 7, plus the scope going into the stomach. Keep up the creativity and many thanks to you.
We don't quite understand the rules about who constitute the top five and can submit entries, but we think that you remain on that short list and would love to see more from you.
I didn't want to pronounce scope any stronger this time as I found it distracting and making icon more busy while staying bright white it won't symbolize some brutal intrusion.