Thank you. I really enjoy working with you. I rarely found CH willing to involved in design process actively like you. Thank you so much!
PS: I will send the final files couple minutes beyond.
We are going to make this the winning entry for our logo. We really like it. Once we do this and you submit the files we would like to know the font that was used. Thanks for all your work on this, we will leave a great review for you as well.
Regarding the font type, I ordinarily informed it while send the final file of the winner design. It's to protect me from other designer take my design as inspiration. I hope you understand, thank you.
Regarding number one request, problem that I can't resolve is that when A thickness changed, its height will automatically turned shorter and the middle part of A reduced tighter that make edges of the star touch outline of A.
On the other words, that when we try to change the A weight, it will much influence its appearance as shown on many previous revisions I've submitted. I hope you understand.
However, I will try again on my next submissions even I am not sure if it will work.
Thank you anyway for your patient. I will back as soon as possible.
Thank you
With this version you can do the same to the 'A' as my comments in the other version. Here you can just make the 'M' larger so we can see how it looks.
1. The 'A' as designed here is good, please do not change it. The only minor change we want to that element is to make it a little less heavy.
2. We also want the rest of the letters to be a little less bold as well.
3. We want to have the star fully within the 'A', so when you make the 'A' a little less bold please keep the star fully within the 'A', none of it should touch the outside like in a few of the revisions.
4. Let's start with getting this right then we can finalize the few other minor items. Please do not make significant changes other than these as we like the direction this is going in.
This is more or less the logo we want with the following changes:
1. The text is too heavy for the whole logo, we would like to see it less heavy throughout.
2. The 'A' in this logo is good with the exception of how heavy the lines are. It is important to keep the star in the 'A' looking like this as opposed to how it looks in version #447. We do not like how the white lines go to the edge of the 'A' in that version.
3. The lower case is good here, though we would like to see some other fonts tried as well. This is not a great font for our brand.
4. You can also try to use all capitals but make the 'M' larger while the D, ORE would be smaller. The top of the 'M' could be at the same height as the 'A' from version #447.
We have had some feedback that the logo reads "DMORE" where the 'A' is not seen as part of the word mark. We really like the 'A' and the light burst and want to keep that. Can you try one where you add an 'A' beside the 'D' in the same font and also keep the stylized 'A' with the light burst? Thx.
Thx. This contest was accidentally put back into an open phase by Logo Tournament. We will not be looking at any new submissions other than from those in our top 5.
In general we like this font the best of those you have submitted so far. The words 'LIGHTING INC.' are getting a bit lost here so see if you can make them easier to see/read.
You can also try some variants where the tail coming off the 'A' is a little thinner, or where is maybe joins the 'ADMORE' word as the centre line of the 'E'. Just a few more ideas to play with.
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PS: I will send the final files couple minutes beyond.
Can you show us this version with the inverse colors? Meaning what it would look like on a black background where everything black is white?
On the other words, that when we try to change the A weight, it will much influence its appearance as shown on many previous revisions I've submitted. I hope you understand.
However, I will try again on my next submissions even I am not sure if it will work.
Thank you anyway for your patient. I will back as soon as possible.
Thank you
2. We also want the rest of the letters to be a little less bold as well.
3. We want to have the star fully within the 'A', so when you make the 'A' a little less bold please keep the star fully within the 'A', none of it should touch the outside like in a few of the revisions.
4. Let's start with getting this right then we can finalize the few other minor items. Please do not make significant changes other than these as we like the direction this is going in.
1. The text is too heavy for the whole logo, we would like to see it less heavy throughout.
2. The 'A' in this logo is good with the exception of how heavy the lines are. It is important to keep the star in the 'A' looking like this as opposed to how it looks in version #447. We do not like how the white lines go to the edge of the 'A' in that version.
3. The lower case is good here, though we would like to see some other fonts tried as well. This is not a great font for our brand.
4. You can also try to use all capitals but make the 'M' larger while the D, ORE would be smaller. The top of the 'M' could be at the same height as the 'A' from version #447.
We would like to see a few minor variants to this one. We like how the change to the 'A' made if more readable.
Variant 1: make the 'M' larger similar to the old logo.
Variant 2: try making the 'd, ore' lower case while keeping the 'M' upper case
Variant 3: Keep this as it is but try making the 'A' a little less heavy
We really like this logo but are struggling with the legibility of the 'A'. this will help.
You can also try some variants where the tail coming off the 'A' is a little thinner, or where is maybe joins the 'ADMORE' word as the centre line of the 'E'. Just a few more ideas to play with.