#10 We really like the graduating color but prefer a more mature font. I like the direction the symbol is heading but my partner prefers the more traditional diamond logos... We'll see who wins out on that in the end! #9 I feel the words are a bit lost with the blue disappearing into the blue. Thank you, again!
#11 You did great, he immediately liked the diamond! I still like it because it's not quite the same as we usually see for every other store. I would like to see a font where the "J" doesn't extend below the rest of the letters. This has caused us minor difficulty with signage before. It's not a deal breaker to have the "J" extend but if there is an attractive font where it doesn't we would prefer that. I would also like to see it with the background shaded like entry #1, please. Thank you!
#14 I like it better with the more subtle background and appreciate the "J." Is there a font that we would be able to use, though, that wouldn't have to be custom altered? I prefer the scale of font size to picture in #11. You're awesome!
Dear Frankkenstein, I owe you an apology. Partner says he doesn't care if the "J" extends below or not as we will not be using this on our building, which is where we encounter sizing issues. So your font is super! Thank you for your effort in that area. ;) So I would like #11 graphics with #14 background, please, to consider. Thank you for putting up with me!
#18 Thank you for combining the elements! I would LOVE to see variations. One last concern which you will love or hate me for... All I can see inside that little diamond is the ironman logo (ironman.com) and now that I pointed it out to my partner it's all he can see, too. Is there a way to make it not look so much like a little robot man and still keep it's effect? Thank you!
Here, I've remade the faces of the diamond in order to look more friendly and abstract. I guess that with such compositions as in a kaleidoscope, we can fantasize and find whatever forms we see.
#20 Thanks for ditching "ironman," though my partner was joking he could be our mascot... ;) We do like the crisper look of the original. Can #20 be sharpened back up without altering the angles of the "lighting" inside? I do realize it's a bit of a Rorschach test in there. That "Ironman" was just really dominant to us :D Thank you!
You are right! We have been saying all the logos are very similar! I'm sorry I haven't been able to post a note but I'm back. This site loads very, very slow for us and I literally run out of time waiting for it before I have to leave! Anyway I appreciate the revision on the "TION," you did improve it. I also appreciate the new diamond... Though I still like the original... My partner is racking his brain trying to decide which one he likes. I don't know exactly what will catch his eye and make up his mind. I will let you know as soon as we do if there is anything specific he/we would like to see. Thank you for your submissions!
I'm sure we are going to choose your logo, unless something amazing happens in this last hour! We prefer the diamond from #27, but we don't like the font we chose! We would like a bolder font, perhaps even bolder than what you have already used in #14. We like the strength of #73 (am I allowed to reference that?). Also we would like the same concept we settle on with a white background, and can we get a simplified one from you that would be compatible to cut on the Silhouette vinyl cutter? Their file types are *studio. Are you familiar with it? Here's the link to the software download http://www.silhouetteamerica.com/software.aspx That would be excellent for flexibility in personal use. I'm excited and thank you!
Perfect! Now can we also get one from you with a white background, and one suitable for the Silhouette software? http://www.silhouetteamerica.com/software.aspx A simplified version of the diamond and solid font... Thanks! Excited to be getting it done! Also, may we have a file of just the diamond?
#95 (My three year old says, "I like that diamond" with a hint of awe in her voice, so good job ;). I just want to say the top line looks bowed, something I'm not noticing on the smaller versions. Can you please straighten that out? Or is that an optical illusion? #97 is perfect! #98 for the Silhouette is great, too! Thanks and just let me know if I'm imagining things in that bow in #95.
Hello, I'm sorry but the bow has been in there since the beginning! If you want I can change, I just didn't want to use straight lines, I think it looks great. In fact, none of those lines is straight. all of them have a slight curve.
Will it be hard to do it with straight lines so we can see what it looks like? For the large one I'm sure we'd like straight lines... The whole "color, CUT, clarity" thing is a big push in our business :D Let me know! Is the diamond on #59 with straight lines?
We like #102 for the large image, thank you! I also prefer the straight lines for the "flat" logo. We do prefer your curved lines for the logo, they do add dimension. I'd like #101 for the silhouette, I don't need it colored as I will just be cutting. May I have it with just the shape of a white filled diamond? And ONE more adjustment to #94 and #97; please lighten the grey line through the word Adjewelation. It's just a bit too dark. Hopefully we can make your winning official tomorrow!
I think that's a huge improvement on the shading of the typography, thank you. However, for some reason there's a nerdy jagged edge on the right top side of the diamond (this is wearing me out, I'm sure it is you, sorry!) Thank you!
I'm sorry but maybe my eyes are not well. I don't see where's the nerdy jagged edge. I'm sure it's from the resolution but I have everything in vector files.
We like the #94 image with the #104 typography. The diamond is quite different in #104. It's brighter in the middle and dimmer on the top than #94, and has that jag. I made my partner double check... Sorry to pester but we want your other diamond!
Thank you! There is still a little jag, who knows why :P but hopefully it will not be on the file you send. May we please have the files for #97, #102, #105, and #99... And you never said if you could save the file #99 to be compatible with the Silhouette software... Let me know if you can't for some reason. Thank you thank you thank you for putting up with us!