Here is my first entry... Im going a complete 180ยบ from what is on top row... Design theory is going after the old silkscreen rock posters... A little more edgy? might be too much, but would love to see what you think! Thanks and take care, Pat
After checking with the other people in the company - we are not entirely sure you read the design brief or any of the feedback. We are a Marketing and advertising website. Instead of the Business going to ONE marketing company - they will come to us - and let Advertising / Marketing companies and designers FLIRT with them to win their business. We addressed this issue in our feedback - and said that we wanted to make sure the logo did not emphasize the flirt or look like a dating advert.
Your submission leads every person who has looked at it - 23 people so far - to believe that we are running a dating / escort service. Your slogan "Feel Lucky" - also seems to have nothing to do with our brief and implies that with us one who feels luck might actually get lucky. get lucky how - we sell designs. That's it. And then there are the "XXOO" kiss kiss hug hug. We are not trying to entice our clients into a romantic or erotic engagement. Then there is the dusted and dirty look to the overall image. I am sure you do not mean to imply that we are cheap and dirty - however that is the impression it leaves.
I am sorry if my feedback is harsh - But I felt a fair and honest assessment of this logos suitability to our needs was in order.
I have looked over your portfolio - and I really do like the designs you have there - I just feel that in this case, its not your best work.
Thanks for the comments... Well taken No hard feelings at all. 30+ years sure have heard worse... =-) Thought I would try to shake something loose reaching out of the box... But I guess I was in the wrong box! But here is another direction. More emphasis on "AD" and going to try to get one more in before the cut off.
Here is one more, I think the strongest out of the three... Three cause Im not going to count my first entry! =-) But worked in a registration mark around the "d" interpreted in two different ways: Registration mark as in printing and could be read as "Advertising on target". But I think thats it, dont have any more time to enter any more. But thanks for putting up with me, and good luck! Pat