Here are my entries. It was very difficult to come up with iconography that did not depict a dating service. This happened because I was focusing on the "flirt" aspect more than the the "ad" of the company. So the only other alternative was to now focus on the fact that this is a marketing and advertising company. I wanted to capture advertising an a literal sense as well as in abstraction, hence these layouts. I really hope these marks come close to what you company represents. Thank You. David.
"We are looking for something "cheeky" and/or "playful" but still conveying the overall theme - ADVERTISING." This statement was the one that stood out to me when I read your briefs. I was thinking of all the different forms of advertising and what could I use to convey "ad" and "flirt" that will SAY AD and SUGGEST FlIRT, and I thought of the people billboard and how cool it might be to use the silhouette of a woman in a flirtatious pose with one of those ads put across her . Which is what I did. I used different layouts and font choices I thought to be impactful and effective. I hope you like these. Thank You. David.