ADDezeLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / ADDeze ADDeze has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 271 designs from 46 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client addeze Canada What We Do An all-natural dietary supplement line. Industry Medical Color Preferences natural colours that evoke a sense of calm. Themes ModernSimple Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st piraka Withdrawn 2nd HAMPURA Withdrawn 3rd enzyme Withdrawn 4th piraka Withdrawn 5th piraka Withdrawn 6th piraka 7th mikz051 8th jesicastudio Withdrawn 9th piraka Withdrawn 10th piraka Withdrawn New piraka Withdrawn New HAMPURA Withdrawn New HAMPURA Withdrawn New abisatya Withdrawn New jasa Withdrawn New jasa Withdrawn New trulyART Withdrawn New trulyART Withdrawn New barudaftar Withdrawn New Revotype Withdrawn New krakatau Withdrawn New Stickie Withdrawn New greenblaze Withdrawn New piraka Withdrawn New piraka Withdrawn New piraka Prefers others. jesicastudio Prefers others. jesicastudio Prefers others. jesicastudio Prefers others. KeysoftMedia Prefers others. Alf=red Prefers others. Alf=red Prefers others. Alf=red Prefers others. Alf=red Prefers others. Alf=red Prefers others. KeysoftMedia Prefers others. KeysoftMedia Prefers others. KeysoftMedia Prefers others. KeysoftMedia Prefers others. sharismatic Prefers others. sunjava Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. Stickie Prefers others. mikz051 Prefers others. andrapetcu Prefers others. Donadell Prefers others. greenblaze Prefers others. greenblaze Prefers others. greenblaze Prefers others. greenblaze Prefers others. AF Prefers others. AF Prefers others. greenblaze Prefers others. jesicastudio Prefers others. jesicastudio 1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next > Discussion addeze Client Regarding color, it will be important to have a logo that can integrate with multiple colors that depict taste/flavor. 11 years ago addeze Client Element of fun is welcome - this is a product that will give users a boost when they need it. 11 years ago addeze Client like the idea of the white text on a coloured background. 11 years ago addeze Client would like to move away from green, more focus on blues with red as an option too. 11 years ago addeze Client important that font is easily distinguishable / readable from distance. 11 years ago addeze Client prefer the flat fonts with no shadows and shading. 11 years ago