Thanks for the fresh designs I do like the concepts in all of them
#86 - whilst 'adaptive' is the new concept, 'process improvement' still needs to be featured, in this design the text on 'process improvement' is too small and the text on adaptive is to large,
#85 - I very much like the play with the change of text from lower to supper case. this is unique in designs so far and makes the design memorable and gives a concept of adaption - well done. so the text element is great. The logo part is ok, but somehow doesnt rest totally ok, I dont know if it is the colour or the size or maybe a line included as in #84 might may some slight change to the eye. At the moment the logo part tends to draw attention away from the textual part. What do you think ?
#84 is great as-is - thanks #85 also good as-is - thanks