Hi insan89, would love to see the design entry (#10) with bigger house on top of the round hill and also to see the windmill on the other side of the house .... We would like to see it joined into the water. Thanks
Thanks, looking good. We do like the more traditional style of the windmill, for example like one of the other designs by Black Lyn (I think ranked no. 3).
entry #28, can we have the map a little more modern looking and not traditional and also please use the light color green all the way through and not just in the center. also could you please make the hotel part brighter ocher color.
with entry # 27 can we see a picture with both the windmill standing above the letter A and another picture with the windmill above the letter Y. also could you please make the windmill look more like black-lyne logo. many thanks..... i think we are getting there.
Regarding the windmill looks, I can not make it like black-lyne did because I will be judge as a copy cat if I do that. I just try to stay not too close to his windmill design.
Hi, Just want to let you know. I withdraw my entry #41 because of another designer ( Och@ ) has lauch a LogoCourt and he think that I copied his concept.
I have tried to explain that I am not copying his design, I just did it according to your comments. But some other designers vote me to withdraw my entry. Maybe they just judge based on entries number, and since Och@'s design #36 was submited before my design #41 so they think Ocha won the LogoCourt.
sorry to hear about the confusion with your design that you had to withdraw. Of all entries yours capture's the image that we are trying to portray. Could we see some more color variation's. We would like to include the green's you have, plus a layer of ocher (this resembling the desert/central Australia) then another layer of blue resembling the ocean. This blue line could replace the existing under the mountains and above the words ACROSS COUNTRY. We hope this make sense?
Thanks again they are looking great, one more thing though..... on entry 63, Can we put in between the blue line and the green mountains. Could we please try a ocher red line in there following the same line as the blue with a little space in between them. This would represent the red earth of Australia or the Desert. thanks ever so much we are feeling that we are achieving what we were looking for in logo designing.
well done.... could we please see the logo 27 .... could we please have the word motel and the lines at either side of it and the line under the hills done in the same color as the wind will ... thanks