#47 and #49 are very close and we have only ranked one. We aren't certain which one we like best yet. The fonts on #48 and #50 are a little too hard to read.
I like variation #61. The selection group will be discussing designs later today. The alternating red and blue gives it a certain patriotic feel we are looking for. The right side logo is a bit different from the other designs which makes it stand out from the crowd.
On design #60 could you try changing the symbol so that the top point is on the right and the lower point is on the left. Basically mirroring the symbol but keeping it on the left possibly with variations of red and blue for the symbol.
#71 is currently the most prefered of your designs. The red and blue symbol combo was not well received. There is not a lot of difference in the current voting on the top designs and only one design was selected.