Wow! I really like your designs. Could you please use caps for the words Life Solution and change the slogan to Plan, Grow & Live the Life you Deserve? Thanks.
Both your logos are so good I can't decide which one I like the most. Thanks for submitting these.
Really like what you have done. Could you please work with me on some changes for entry #89?
Could you please put Acorn LIFE Solutions in one line below the acorn and this would allow the slogan to be in a larger font as I can't currently read it. Please centre the acorn above the words. Please put LIFE in the dark green colour and Acorn Solutions in a dark grey colour. Please flip the shadow 180deg (ie to other side of acorn).
I look forward to your changes. Many thanks, it's looking really good.
We like entry #94 the best. Could we please have a look at one variation on that - please make the LIFE in Acorn Life Solutions in all caps. Thanks.
Also, could you please tell me what format the logo comes in? From that format is it possible to have (1) The acorn pic on it's own (2) The acorn pic and Acorn LIFE Solutions together, and (3) Acorn LIFE Solutions on it's own.
Hi Ruth I can supply the logo in any format you might need (ai eps jpg png PDF etc) I can also supply versions with the text or icon only As it's just past midnight here I'll get those changes uploaded in the morning for you (time difference is a killer)
Hi Gary, I know the time difference is difficult but we will stay up working with you on this tonight if you have the time. Thanks for making the variations, but I still like #94. Could you please post this again with the only change being the grey font into black. Thanks.
Hi Gary, thanks for the black. Actually I think I prefer the dark grey colour better but the thinking is continuing. The black is darker and sharper but the grey is more subtle. Just need to understand the functionally of both logos, ie to scan documents the black is probably more practical but for a true logo the grey is softer. Maybe we could have both as a finished product? What do you suggest? Thanks.
Wow, things are getting very tough for us, they all look so good. Thanks for the latest versions. Could you please give me the name of the font you are using as I really like it? Thanks.
I appreciate all the effort and hard work that you have put into making my logo perfect - thanks so much - you have a fantastic skill and eye for detail.