ACE THE AP EXAM, LLCLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / ACE THE AP EXAM, LLC ACE THE AP EXAM, LLC has selected their winning logo design. For $575 they received 137 designs from 25 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Logo Design Brief Edit Client acetheapexam United States Slogan ACE IT NOW! What We Do WE DO TUTORING & TRAINING FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS STUDYING FOR ADVANCEMENT PLACEMENT (AP) TESTS TO GET INTO COLLEGE - We want a colorful trendy logo that incorporates our slogan that will attract high school age students to BUY OUR ULTIMATE AP SUCCESS TRAINING SYSTEM Industry Education Color Preferences red yellow black --- not completely sure - we are open to ideas - just want something with energy trendy and attractive to a high school audience - something that is hip to them - maybe something that incorporates pop culture - that they would want to be a part of ! Our Ideas & Additional Information We like the MTV logos - also rolling stone red lips, Mcdonalds red and yellow logos and the Lego logo - but we are completely open to any other ideas Themes ColorfulModern Entries Order by Ranking Entry Number Order by Ranking Entry Number 1st grafikus Withdrawn 2nd Night Owl 3rd avidesigns 4th grafikus Withdrawn 5th Night Owl Withdrawn 6th Night Owl Withdrawn 7th Faith Withdrawn 8th Night Owl Withdrawn 9th Night Owl Withdrawn 10th Night Owl New grafikus Withdrawn New grafikus Withdrawn New ibot Withdrawn New Night Owl Withdrawn New Night Owl Withdrawn New Night Owl Withdrawn New Night Owl New DALHAZZ Withdrawn New DeeBee New graphiclee New graphiclee New graphiclee New graphiclee New graphiclee New avidesigns New avidesigns Withdrawn New Zyra Withdrawn New Zyra Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New grafikus Withdrawn New grafikus Withdrawn New Julls59 Withdrawn New Julls59 Withdrawn New Julls59 Withdrawn New Julls59 Withdrawn New Vasilis Withdrawn New Vasilis Withdrawn New fgrafic Withdrawn New fgrafic Withdrawn New wep Withdrawn New ibot Withdrawn New wep Withdrawn New wep Withdrawn New ibot Withdrawn New morningdesign Withdrawn New ibot Withdrawn New ibot Withdrawn New absolute Withdrawn New fabricapixel Withdrawn New ketut Withdrawn New ketut Withdrawn New ketut Withdrawn New ketut Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New ideaz99 Withdrawn New Vasilis 1 2 3 1 ... 3 Next > Discussion acetheapexam Client Great start, like the idea of the cap #1 and the "ace"-#3 & #4- like to see some yellow added to logos. Must catch the eye.Looking for something "hip" or trendy to appeal to a high school audience - 15 and 16 year old students.Student achievement is to reach a 5/5 on the exam. Ideas with a 5 somewhere. 13 years ago acetheapexam Client Our slogan just changed to - Just Ace It! We want something with a less formal font - these logos still look to formal - take a look at the MTV logo and see how the M is more formal but the "TV" is in a casual hip font that would appeal more to teenagers... think more fun!!! The ace from the deck of cards doesn't really work for us - love the swirl under the cap in #1 and under the ace it now in #8----THINK FUN AND TRENDY AND CASUAL!! THANKS! 13 years ago acetheapexam Client we also like how the "5" is incorporated in #11 - since the ultimate goal of the students is to get a "5" on the exam - the exam scale is 1 - 5... 5 is the highest score. 13 years ago acetheapexam Client DESIGNERS - Remember 'FUN - HIP - TRENDY" - SOMETHING THAT WOULD ATTRACT TEENAGERS!! 13 years ago Ivan F LogoTournament Staff Client requested extension - personal emergency. 12 years ago