Hello Sebastian, Looks nice. Can you add another version that has the meeting dates please, March 29-31? Would like to see other various of your idea. Thank you very much. Gail
I like your new versions. On the first version, can you add the dates? I want to see this idea without the hard border. On entries #3, 5 &6 can you darken the text ALD 19th Annual Conference & Exhibition same as entry 4. Those look lighter than entry #4. Also try removing the words & Exhibition for simplicity. I'd like to see how that would look "ALD 19th Annual Conference". Thank you very much. Gail
Dear Sebastian, I like your work. Ok so with the flame idea you're outside the box and that's good. I'm curious to see the opinions of our committee members on that one. Can you also try more colors, some additional color like from a blooming cacti? Just want to have a bit more fun with your ideas. I like many of them.
Hi Sebastian, Nice work. Can you change the green color to a tealish blue? After the contest closes, we will probably ask for modifications during the judging phase. Thank you very much and Happy Monday to you, Gail