Hello Masmett, We like your versions very much. Can you please marry #69 and #62. Use the tooth of #62 that has the star, mountains and the cactus with lines and mountains of #69. We like the 21st Annual Conference & Exhibition Scottsdale AZ in the upper square as it is on #62.
Once you do that, let's also see it without the flowing white 'river' and just close the box. If you don't understand just send me a message. Thank you, Gail
#135 #130 concept Take out the Cowboy Hat please Tooth: maybe outline the tooth in white and not black Light Rays /eams: Can we see the beams in a brighter white? Or, ALSO we can use a multi color spectrum for the laser beams?red, yellow, green, blue Landscape: We could make the landscape color a different shade of blue so that it doesn't look like night time or maybe green as part of the landscape or some other color so that the cactus show up better.
#146 #147 change font #148 #149 remove light background, and make blue more brighter, now i'm working on multi color spectrum for the laser beams, please wait thanks =)
The newer designs are nice. #154 and #153 put back the lines behind the tooth in white #154 and 153 put back the lines behind the tooth in red blue green and yellow like the colors of the rainbow but in the lines coming out of behind the tooth.
Look at #151 can you put the white lines in different colors. red, blue, green. The lines behind the tooth.
#147, We apologize for asking so many small changes, we are almost there 1. Keep the center star like it is 2. remove the flowing river from the middle that starts in the middle and flows to the right 3. make the rays, the lines that show the 'rays of the sun' rays of the light into different colors, red, blue, green yellow and white. 4. Move the dates up to the first line below the image
#166 is good but lets now work with 163 because we like the star image and the lighter blue color utilized.
#163 make the rays each one to be one color of the light spectrum. One ray red, one ray blue, one ray green, one ray yellow then repeat.rays alternating the color of the light spectrum, red, then next blue, next one green, next one yellow, each ray alternating a full color of the spectrum.
#163 remove the flowing river thing like you did for #166.
Move up the dates as in #163
Also remove but keep handy the text of the slogan that we will want from you, if we select you, as a separate graphic of text only. End this logo with the dates below the picture.
Congratulations on winning the logo tournament. You worked very hard and we thank you very much. When you prepare the logs for us, please send them in EPS and JPG formats. Plus we would like a JPG of the text that we removed from the logo in the same font you used: Lasers Coming of Age 21 Years of Enlightenment Changing Perspectives, Broadening Horizons just as you have it in #165 A separate graphic of the slogan will allow me to use it as needed near the logo without it being a part of the logo where the text would be too small to read if the logo is used in its smallest size. Again THANK YOU Very Much.