This is very nice - Please use the colors in #171 and then in another example use a black background and change the color of the font when it is placed on black
Great Job! I have a meeting with the my partners next week and we will decide - The ranking is my suggestio - you snuck in there - the symbol is intriquing and interesting, new, balanced, creative So I do not know how to bring an end to this - please advise. Good Luck we will vote next week.
We have extedned thw tournament for 6 days - I have partners that I want to involve and this also gives more time to explore - on #182 please make three revisions on the font - #1 color the "a" in front of "ware" red, #2 make all the font the lighter color, and 3. place a thin royal bue line on the inside of each letter - or maybe better said, highlight each letter in royal blue.
Regarding the symbol - please rotate it about 20 % to the left so it rests on the left side of the purple color. That would bring the font into a point or corner - and may improve the look - Thanks!
OUtline +#2 in white and add another #2 in wall white with roral blue highlight
I like the turned image better - what is your thought?
Make font in #4 all black.
Then we can mix colors like #3 and #4 only adding the fourth letter, which is an "a" to the same color scheme as the last 4. Hope that is clearer - we will probably choose the way it is, ony one of my partners wants to see it the other way i.e. makeing teh last part of our title AWARE insteaed of the way it is now WARE.
#3, 4, 5, 6, 7 are to rotated too much left - go back to the position of #1 and #2.
Black font on black background does not work - now you could highlight that font in #198 in a white highlight - Also - highlighting the white font in #189 with royal blue might pop it more - the goal is to make the font pop off of the page.
Good Job!! Thanks for keep'n it goin! We are getting real close!
rotate the image in #1 through #8 - 20 degrees to the left so that the focal point of stability is on the left bottom of the purple color - Hope that makes sense to you!
Can you put striations within each color - a striation is a line through the surface that shows that the surface that is not smooth, rather with a ridge in it - a line of simlar color?
#4 - Please highlight font in some way that pops it out more - I thought that a royal blue fine line around each letter would help and make the letters whiter - Thanks
OK almost there - I like the stiiations = Thanks for that, although I prefer the more plain look - Let's continue to focus on the font - teh word it "pop" I see what you did with the shadow in the lower quadrant - it looks nice - so here are a few suggestions #191 place a white outline on each of teh black letters
On #189 use the original image (rotated back) and make the all white font, whiter and try to ouline each letter with a dark blue fine line - I read your note about this might be new to you - I know in photshop and power point that can be done - We meet at 11AM and will make the decision then - Thank you for your work.
Congrats - you won - see #1 and #2 ranking - do me a favor before I select it make the black font blacker in teh #1 rank and and the white font whiteer in #2 which will pop it more off of the page.