Hello! Thanks for the feedback first of all. I've submitted a few new concepts using the same art deco style. One question though: Do you prefer letterform marks or are you very open to abstract also?
I am open to both letter form and abstract. Trying to portray the concept of vision, insight, and intelligence and #40 and #25 are in a good direction (I love the color scheme). Open to other ideas as well.
Great designs, thanks! We are thinking to go with #70 as that is just what we are looking for. One modification: can you make the lettering pop a bit more? The feedback from everyone here is that is looks great but wanted the lettering to be eaiser to read. Any ideas?
I'll made the font a little bolder but due to the kerning of the letters which are specific to the art deco feel of the font, I can't go to far with that. #138 is what I am talking about.
I will submit a few other art deco fonts that pop a little more.
I dont recommend adding drop shadows as they are not vector and a solid color drop shadow can cause printing issues.
Thanks for the advice on the drop shodow. How about trying the gray color for "insight" in #70 (similar to the letterin in #42) The tan/khaki will be similar to the background color most likely.
Agreed on the kerning, we like the original font the best and would like not to change the feel of that.
Looks great! I think #141 will do it. Just to be sure on the delivery package we are looking for: 1) Source file with vectors (.ai, .indd, .psd or whatever but not flattened/rasterized into pixels) 2) Printer ready EPS file 3) Favincon.ico in 32-bit color with 16x16, 32x32, 48x48, and 64x64 4) Raster exports in PNG format with transparent backgrounds (6 total):
Description W (px) H(px) DPI W (in.) H (in.) small web-ready 130 75 96 1.354 0.781 small doc-ready 390 225 300 1.300 0.750 medium web-ready 390 225 96 4.063 2.344 medium doc-ready 1300 750 300 4.333 2.500 large web-ready 780 450 96 8.125 4.688 large doc-ready 2600 1500 300 8.667 5.000
Anything else you usually provide?
Confirm this is what we should expect and I will do the winner selection process.
Yes I'll the give you all the files you mentioned although I'm guessing they'll be ready tomorrow as it takes some time to export all those formats. The .eps and .jpg files are requested by LT, the others are not and I will have to send them via your email address as soon as you provide it(please send me a Private Message with the email add.)
The files you mentioned should be enough for any task you need. Thank you! Alex