The idea of emphasising the A in a box is interesting and isn't something we'd considered. However, we don't like the way it is separate from the word Absolut. In #12, could you make the A in the box the first letter of the word? In #13, could you move the word Absolut into the box in the same white font as the A? We like the blues that you've used, but would like the overall effect to be bolder. Could you change the colour of the line that sweeps through the A to something brighter, and perhaps match the slogan to it? We want our brochures to stand out from the crowd when they're lying on the coffee table in staff room!
Great design! #14 Could you try and make the slogan bigger please? Make it stand out a bit more, maybe you could do different variations off the colours? Try a bit of red :)
I should just let you know that there are 2 of us posting comments to you. I hope you don't mind; hopefully we will come up with even more ideas between us!
We've moved #15 and #14 to the bottom of the ranking because they contain a lot of grey. Since grey and black are associated with death, they're not great colours for medical supplies!
Although we quite like #16, I'm afraid we feel it's a little like a toothpaste tube (search for images of Crest toothepaste). Is there any way round this?
Please could we see some variations with white lettering? I quite like the white letters with the darker outline in #13.
Please could we also see a version where only the A is in the box (a little like #12), and another where there is a big A and the Absolut underneath, a little like #13, but all in the box.
We quite like the swipe that goes through the A, but it doesn't really mean anything. Is there any way of having a simple representation of what we do? Have a look at the links we've posted to extracts from our brochure.
We really appreciate that you're responding so quickly to our comments.
One of things I loved about your original designs #12 and #13, was the way you displayed Absolut and the slogan. I liked the blue you used and the way the colour was graded. Would it be possible for you to combine this with your latest design, #35? Also, the word Absolut needs to be more prominent.
I look forward to seeing your new designs. Then Chris will be able to give you fuller feedback tomorrow.
we like the new direction you are taking, please could we see #76 with more colour and more striking. How would this look with the Absolut in sentance case?
Hi Yokie, I've moved #111 out of the "not interested" pile as I feel it might look better in different colours. I feel it looks a little top heavy at the the moment (please also check the typing error in the slogan!)
Please could you play around with #76 to add other colours?
With both of the above please could you use sentence case as we're finding this has a more friendly feel to it.