Thanks for entering our contest :). Unfortunately I don't have the facility to rank entries at the moment; I'll ask Chris to do it later.
I love the simplicity of you design in #23 and #24, but we need our logo to demonstrate what we do. Would it be possible to represent our principles of patient safety and protecting the spine in the operating theatre, without losing the simplicity? Also, don'forget to include our slogan!
Ref #24, we're not averse to having our logo in a box, but we wouldn't want the box to be so big. We will sometimes be displaying our logo on a white background and sometimes on blue.
Hi Deborah, Thank you, I am glad you like my proposal. I will work on your suggestion of better representing your principles. As for entry #24, it is just to show how it would look over blue background, but logo is still the same (no box).
I won't have a chance to discuss your designs with Chris until tomorrow (Monday). In the meantime, please could you consider a couple of revisions to the darker blue line under the Absolut in #29?
I wonder how the line would look if it were to indicate the shape of a person lying face down. Perhaps this could be done by altering the shape of the line, or by keeping the top of the line smooth and shaping the underneath (I realise the line would probably have to be thicker to achieve this).
An alternative might be to indicate a head at one end of the line, but keep the rest of the line smooth. Not sure about that one. Might be worth a try?
I have updated our brief and will be adding some links tomorrow which I hope might help.
One of the things I forgot to add to the brief and will mention tomorrow is it would be useful if the logo could indicate that we are a medical company.
Please bear in mind that we are 6 hours ahead of you in the UK, so you might not get a quick response to any designs you submit over the next few hours!