I like the lower 3 components of your design #28, but I'm not certain what the top part represents.
It might help you to know a little bit about why hospitals use our products. Our products are mainly used in theatre for patients having operations. Some of the operations can last for several hours and if the patient isn't positioned properly they can experience serious problems afterwards. It is therefore essential that the back is positioned correctly to protect the spine and that arms and legs are positioned correctly to prevent injury.
Please could you submit some amendments as I'd love to see where we can go with your design.
Thanks for you new entries. Don't get too hung up that I've ranked #34 above #33; it's just my first impression. As I said in the general comments, Chris will be able to give you fuller feedback tomorrow once we've had a chance to discuss all the designs in the office.
In the meantime, could we see what these designs would look like using different colours?
Unfortunately only the ranked 1st can upload changes during the Judging mode. If you can give me a window of opportunity to upload changes, I will do so in a few hours.
I was going to move you to 1st place, but then discovered we had been granted am extension (we asked for it on Saturday when we had very few entries!)
In addition to Chris' request, please could you replace the line under the patient with our slogan in #33 #34 #43 and #49? I'll leave up to you to decide whether it would be best in upper, lower or title case.
I've submitted 9 variations of the designs you liked, with different color schemes, word capitalization and different typefaces. Let me know what you think.
I'm going to take this opportunity and explain my manner of design. I chose to go with this style so the final product won't look like a Christmas Tree and not overly playful tending to a childish theme.
I've increased the thickness on a few revisions for you to consider. Making it too busy, just distracts the attention of the viewer.
In the end, it's of course your decision based on how you and your team appreciate the designs, but just wanted to throw my 2 cents in there, for what it's worth.
Looking forward to your input on the designs I've submitted.
I'll take a closer look at these and give fuller feedback later. In the meantime, please could we see what it would look like if the patient were lying on our slogan rather than a line. With or without cushions. I appreciate it might look dreadful, but at least we'll know!
Ok. Thanks. I've moved the latest revisions to the not interested pile (but that might change when I show them to the person that requested them).
We are planning to have an office meeting to discuss all the logos tomorrow morning (about 15 hours from the time I am posting this). At that time we will look at all your designs, not just the ones we have ranked.
Thanks also for your explanation about your designs. These are things we will take into consideration when making our final decision.
Thanks for the new designs. We prefer the simplicity of #170, but find that people outside of our company don't realise the top line is a person until we tell them. Then it becomes obvious to them
Is there any way of reshaping the top line to make it obvious it's a person without losing the simplicity? If it makes it easier for you, not all of our supports are for prone (face down) patients, although that is the main focus of our business. Some patients will be on their backs or sides and some will be in hospital wards.
We have split opinions in the office as to whether we prefer #170 or #174, so we would be happy to see revisions for both.
Thanks for all the hard work your putting into this.
Thanks for the constant feedback. I've managed to revise my design and turn the silhouette to the side position you've mentioned.
I've uploaded the new designs. I really think that it shouldn't be a problem for people to recognize what the symbol is. I've done a small survey on these last entries myself.
We have taken a vote in the office and everybody has one of your designs in their top 3, but unfortunately not all the same designs! The ones that we like are #169, 224, 49.
I have asked everybody for feedback, but I have moved you into 1st place in case you want to submit any revisions while I'm waiting.
The three revisions are ready for submission, whenever you're ready. Please send me a PM or leave a feedback when you have moved me to the 1st place, so I can upload them.