Design #17 is very classy, I can see this on a lot of our promo materials, the font may not be heavy enough Design #23 clean, the eyes of the rabbit may need to be tweeked a little Design #20 the circles representing the grape clusters may need a leaf on top or the rabbit hidden, maybe make the ears the leaves? Design #19 the enjoy life, isn't as noticable on first glance, so it could be eliminated, at first, I thought the rabbit was inside of a wine glass Design #21 I do like the font and the medallion style, maybe with a more sophisticated rabbit Design #16 and #18 have wine glasses, which I prefer not to put in the design Design #22 seems to portray ground above the Winery, maybe if WINERY was larger it would portray better Design #15 although this is very modern, my first impression is not of wine