Hi, so looks like we are in the next stage. I like all of your designs so I think your style is a fit. I think we have two camps here, the logos with just the words and then the ones with the house graphic. I think the House design in #86 is less appealing tan the one in #'s 5 & 6. How a bout a version of #6 where Abodia has just a Capital A and the rest are lower case. Possibly with thicker letters. Please let me know if I am not communicating ideas clearly.
For the other style, do you have any tweaks to #50 or #2?
Hi, i like the glossy loo of 128 and 127, I'm not sur if the name needs it but it looks good on the picture part. I like the circle but would also be interested in seeing the graphic in the square shape like #124 but with the new glossy look. Could you also make the font mixed case like 127 but without the glossy feel and maybe a bit darker blue? Thanks!
Artoz, Hi, I am liking the designs and looking at tweaking them now. Could I see a version of #144 with all lower case letters for the word abodia? If you have a couple of different fonts that would be great. Thanks so much.
Artoz, on #6 and #145 would it be possible to add a "loop" to the top of the square graphic so it looks like a padlock? but while still keeping the house logo inside? Not sure but I thought it would imply the safeguarding of a house which is exactly my business.
Artoz, Hi, thank you for making the padlock. When I see it I guess it seems like a self storage business. I still think I like #128 / #144 the best. Is the little round house logo something that already exists somewhere out there or is it unique?
Thanks for all your designs, I can tell you are good at this.
Dear CH, thanks for the feedback. You know here at LT, all designers are never allowed to use any existing designs or use stockart, so I can say this is unique.. I hope this is make sense.. :)
Artoz, OK fantastic! So you are #1 here at the final stage. So, #'s 128, 144 & 148 are all great so obviously I like the little round glossy looking house, its great. Now to pick the best font. Any other ideas based on the same basic layout but with different fonts? I think the graphic achieves the approachable and modern feel I wanted so the font should match bit be clear and easy to read while keeping the design balanced. Thank you
Artoz, Thank those are helpful. I was curious if you could take #144 and make the font a bit thinner like it is in #128. I would like to compare those two to see whether all caps or jet the A looks best. I would also love to hear your input on this.
Lastly, could I see #5 as is but with the graphic in the same glossy/3D style as the newer versions?
I'd like to pick the final design either tomorrow or Thursday so I can get stuff to the printers!
Thanks, I'm submitting the changes... Well I would suggest with two options on this: 1) If you prefer all caps for the ABODIA, I would suggest the vertical version 2) if you prefer Lettercase for the Abodia, I would suggest the horizontal version.. I hope this helps.. :)
Artoz, Hi, I am going to pick the winner and your #128 will be the one! I just wanted to ask beforehand, in case we cannot communicate any further if there is a way I can reach you later if I would like to make tweaks/changes. I realize it would be outside of the scope of this contest. I can be found at christian "at" abodiaproperties "dot" com