Have to say I love all of your designs. But your Entry #47 and Entry #58 stand out the most for me. I love the quirkiness of them. Just so there is no misunderstanding of the interpretation of the graphic image, is it a a person sitting down and thinking about ideas? Can you please elaborate about this? Second question is about your Entry #56, can you please elaborate what the graphic image is representing? Thank you so much for all your entries and great effort.
hello thanks a lot for ranking and interest. so #47 and #58 is person thinking about the idea where person is in the middle part turn in right but if you see the graphic turn in left it is a smiley face (so person joyful about what he get in mind) plus all this is forming a bulb. #56 abstract bulb with abstract person inside with hands up (satisfaction, Eurica, Joy, success)
also the 1st ranked grafic could be seen as a middle person catches an idea and the profile one is surpriced also happy i tried to put a lot of meaning in this one. regards:Lilia
Hi Lilia, Great job. I love it. I am very close to making decision. One last request if I may. Can you please show me how the Entry #58 could be implemented on a black/charcoal background. Thank you very much.
brilliant and thank you again. One last request and promise this is the last one. Can I please see the Entry #61 with bold letters and the wording of London right next to ABCS? Many many thanks.