Great job! We really love this...If you're willing, we'd love to see another version with a lighter pink (more of a blush pink) and chocolate brown in the design, with a touch more flowers (very simple...not looking to ruin the simplicity of your design.)
You are our choice! Can you please add the following:
1. Make the pink in the word Bloom the following color: FFABC7 2. Make the pink flowers such that they have the same tonal quality if not the same color as FABC7 3. Add "floral design and gifts" to the logo underneath... not sure where to put it....can you test a couple different implementations 4. We've decided to take out 'A' from the title. Can you remove A and center "Splash of Bloom" in the design? 5. The bottom flower seems to be a bit different in style to the rosebuds at the top. Can you make that lower flower a open rose or something more stylistically similar to the flowers above?
Thanks so much! This is a great design. Also, do you provide layered PSD files? We'll need to use this type with our biz cards, tshirts, website, etc... Just didn't know what file types you offer.
Will this be possible today? I am supposed to choose the winner (or they choose it for me) and I assume that the changes need to be done before that. Correct? Or can we pick this design as the winner and you can make that change after that and before you send the file to us? Not sure how this works.