This logo takes a more simple (yet cleaver) approach to the variety of character logos submitted. I've changed the M in AMOS to look like a dog with a bandage on it's hind leg. This logo will stand out on all medium and can translate easily to black and white (most logos with multiple colors and gradients do not translate as well).
I only submitted the one logo, but can offer different alterations of the concept upon request (different font treatment, etc). I realize I submitted the logo only a couple of hours before the deadline, but the logotournament rules state that if chosen as the number 1 design, I can offer additional revisions during judging mode.
Hello - the client would like to see "Pet Rescue + Hospice" in a dark green (like #2D4401) ,and any other variation you feel looks good, with the + as a solid red [red cross]
I submitted a variety of color schemes and incorporated the red cross into the designs. Even though your requested it, I had to modify the cross a little by adding a red circle around it to slightly differentiate my design from another designers (I could get a slap on the hand from Logo Tournament for copying another designers concept... enough of those and I could get banned from the site). I will send you a private message here in a bit to better explain. Anyway, please review the new designs and let me know if you would like to see any more revisions! Thanks!