Thanks for the logo postings. They are very interesting. I like what you have done with the characters, one giving a gift to the other in #60, but I think I'm looking for something that's more strongly pictorial, instead of based on words. I think at the moment I prefer #61 to #60, but the font used in #61 is a bit fancy. I think I'd prefer something a bit simpler and modern. Perhaps it's just the 'giving' word. Also, I think it looks a bit washed out, so could be bolder. The website address at the bottom of the tag will not be legible when printed, it's hard to see now.
I'd love to see the idea of #61 developed further in line with my comment above.
Thanks for the new logos. There may be some good ideas in there, but they will have to be bolder/stronger. The logos you've done so far (#61, #76, #77, #78, #79) are too washed out. I feel like I'm viewing them through a fog/mist. I think they'll need to be stronger colours for them to be viable.