9MarksLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / 9Marks

9Marks has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 243 designs from 54 different designers from around the world.




Prefers others.
Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Variation on your current logo as requested in your brief.

(This comment references Entry #10)
15 years ago
Interesting! Would you mind incorporating a bit of blue (from the original) and perhaps softening it up just a bit? This is slightly (and I emphasize slightly) modern and if you could slightly back off the architectural feel, I'd love to see what you came up with. Great job, thank you!
15 years ago
On #68, is there a way to incorporate our blue? Doesn't have to be overwhelming...it could even be subtle. I like the direction quite a lot!
15 years ago
In blue as requested...let me know if there are any other changes you'd like to see. I'm going to be out of town for the weekend, but will work to get you changes if you have any.

(This comment references Entry #100)
15 years ago
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