Would like to see #1 in different colors. Not more colors, just options. Current amount of colors I like. I really like the swoop under the 8Bucks. It really is an effective way to highlight those two most important words. I think I like Number two for the same reason. The 8 Bucks really jumps out at you. On number 2, I do like the four smaller balloons. I like the color they add but not the look. Probably drop them and play with the color of PerHour
I'm liking the addition of the Headset on Logo I currently have ranked #2. Is there something we can do to make sure it is identified at a glance as a headset. Maybe headset needs to be bolder than the "Per" circle. Maybe headset black and then Per something lighter or something that contrasts with black.....something to make the headset show up more than the current gray on black. Maybe even orange for the Per which is one of the versions you did but I did not rant yet. I will rank it # 3 after sending this message.
Almost there. Comments apply to your entry #41 which I have ranked number one. ***Letter spacing: Can you SLIGHTLY increase the kerning on the words "Bucks" and "Hour". Also space between the "s" on "Bucks" and ear phones and the once again the ear phones and "H" in Hour. ***On the orange "Per" sphere, lets drop the spike at the bottom and go with just a plain round sphere. ***On the headset on the "Per" sphere, I would like to see some white space between the headset and the orange, see entry 43 as example. --------- My changes will cause a very slight increase in the length of the Logo which is something I would normally be concerned about but in this case, I will be using the logo phrase as a banner heading on my website on bill boards. The width will not be a problem.
Thank you for your efforts. I am only working with your design at this time. Hoping to declare end to contest early as soon as we can tweak a few things.