Hi, here is my first entry for your consideration. A simple wordmark showing parts of the word "chalk" erased.
Also, I tried to open the file you attached, but every program that I used (picasa photo viewer, quicktime, fireworks, even acrobat) said the file was unsupported. I promise I create and use PNG files all the time, so I think the file may be corrupt. Can you try to save it in a different format and upload a new version? I can't imagine I'm the only one this will happen to. I'll post in the designer forum to see if others have the same problem.
You should be able to upload a JPG just as you uploaded the PNG. That's really strange. Are you opposed to putting it up on an image hosting site and just giving us the link? imgur.com is really easy to use, and I don't think it requires a login.
I like the fonts used in #1, #2, and #3, but not sure the overall design is a complete hit. Not sure what I am looking for, but would love the logo to better represent what I described in the brief.
The company will be offerring shared office space to creative individuals. The building will be old and beat down on the outside, but super modern and functional on the inside, with the interior spaces fully configurable to meet the needs of its customers.
Entry 4 is interesting. If we leave the wording alone and focus on the border, maybe it could work. The border needs some color. Maybe a different color for each side. Also- the border should look less like a frame and maybe more like a building/office/flat...or something like that.
Are you allowed to revise an entry. As noted previously -
Entry 4 is interesting. If we leave the wording alone and focus on the border, maybe it could work. The border needs some color. Maybe a different color for each side. Also- the border should look less like a frame and maybe more like a building/office/flat...or something like that.
Lindsey - I like entry #83 the most of your entries. I am hoping you can make a few adjustments. I would like the "chalk" to be in a similar font now as the "spaces". It can be bolder or thicker, but not going to use the "chalk like" font. The border is where one will get the chalk lite feel. I like what you have now for that. I would love to see with different colors around the border.
Hi, please see #92 and #93. Did you mean a different color on all sides, or a different monochromatic scheme? What kinds of colors are you interested in? Your brief said mostly gray. If you want some color inspiration, you should check out colourlovers.com. Great site.
They look good. I am not sure which color palette yet. I did want 4 different colors though - so you were right on.
I have to think more about the color scheme. I want the inside to be modern and simple - hence the gray. The border should show flexibility, creativity, professionalism, with some business flair. I know, makes no sense.
I put together a few other color scheme options for you. I don't know if I've hit the mark with any of them, but colors are easy to tweak. I do think you should check out a color inspiration site like kuler.adobe.com or colourlovers.com if you're undecided. Those sites are not only just fun (at least for a design geek like me), but the color schemes there can be really inspiring.
Lindsey, You are currently Ranked #1. I plan to make a decision tomorrow. We have a number of great designs and one of the things I am taking into account is the designer and who they approached and handled my requests.
If you are the winner, I wanted to make sure it would be OK to ask for different iterations on the design - whether its color, font, sizing, text location, etc.
I need to be clear that LogoTournament has some rules I need to follow when answering your questions. Designers are not allowed to offer a client anything outside the scope of the tournament while the contest is running.
Typical variations of a selected logo include color and black and white versions, horizontal and vertical orientations of icon to text if applicable, and various file types. Winning designers are expected to provide these things to any client who requests them as part of the tournament.
But to continue tweaking a design, which is what it sounds like you're asking for, is supposed to be what the judging period is for. So while the judging period continues, you can ask the first ranked designer (me, in this case) for color variations, font changes, arrangement, etc., and the designer can upload the revisions to the site. So if you would like to see changes like those you describe above, please just let me know by leaving comments here, and I can provide them.
If you need more time for judging, you can ask the site administrators to extend the judging period by emailing them at support@logotournament.com.
Thanks Lindsey - These is my first time using this particular format, so I appreciate you providing the additional details on etiquette and procedure.
A few things - Please confirm you will provide me .eps and .jpg files when complete Please confirm you will provide me with the name of the font used for text.
As far as changes, some of my colleagues thought the logo was too symmetrical. As such, I wanted to try more iterations similar to #93...off center. If you can also play around with the words in terms of how they line up.
I have gone to those sites you recommended. They are great. I am still unsure what color scheme I am going for. One thing I want to keep in mind is having too many colors and getting killed by the printers. That being said, I like the idea of having 4 colors.
With regards to the text. Its hard to tell what color you are using. I like what I see, but would not mind seeing it in slightly different color. Maybe a bit darker and one a bit lighter.
I am curious how the border would like with all the sides looking more like the right side - with its de-construction. The left side has little of this.
I will likely be back to you after this asking to see a specific color combo on border, but I have to play around with the site you provided a bit more.
Sorry for the long feedback here, but I only have a few days to go before the contest completes. I like your stuff and appreciate your patience with me Lastly similar but different vKeep the word
Thanks for getting back to me. Your feedback is helpful!
First, yes, I will provide EPS and JPG, and I'm happy to tell you the font used and give you a link to purchase it. I can't hand over the font. You'd have to buy a license to use it. This is standard practice.
Second, regarding the number of colors... It's kind of a toss up. In printing, you'll definitely pay less if you use spot colors, and I can do that if that's your preference. But this only saves you money to a point. Spot colors are pre-mixed inks. If you use one color or two colors, you'll save money. If you go to three spot colors, you might as well be printing in 4-color.
4-color is an industry term that doesn't necessarily mean your print job has 4 distinct colors. It means that you're using process color or CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black -- hence, the term 4-color) mixed to make all the colors in your project. Any printing job that includes color photography is a 4-color process job. So if your logo has 2 spot colors and you put it in a brochure with a color photograph, you'll be paying for 4-color process anyway.
If you want to print things like business cards, door hangers, posters, mailers, etc., you can get a really good deal with an Internet printer like uprinting.com or clubflyers.com. They do only 4 color process printing in standard sizes on specific types of paper stock, and this keeps the price way down. (For example, you can get 50,000 4" x 6" postcards for around $1000.)
Keep in mind that 2 spot colors doesn't necessarily mean two colors. Any tint of a spot color is still that one color. An example would be #83 -- that's only two colors. #4 is one color. Also, any good logo should be able to communicate in only one color (i.e., all black, no tints). There are many types of reproduction that require it. (For example, if you want the logo etched in glass or metal.)
I hope my long-winded explanation is helpful to you.
I will work on some variations tomorrow and over the coming days keeping in mind what you're looking for. I see what you mean about deconstruction, and I'll work on perfecting that.
As I've been working on the logo and thinking about your feedback, I realize there's a lot that's still up in the air for you. You're not certain about the text placement, the structure of the image, the colors, etc. That combination of factors can be daunting, so I'd like to recommend we simplify things a bit.
Logo design is a process, and so is deciding on one. Let's focus on the text and structure for the time being, and we can move on to colors later. As I mentioned above, any good logo should communicate in one color, so it's always a good idea to view the designs in black and white first. This will help you see past color for the moment and think about the structure.
Think of it like making a cake -- we have to mix all the ingredients together and bake it before we can decorate it.
I've uploaded five new entries. #129 is only slightly different, with a little less symmetry and more deconstruction. With #130, I took a different approach to creating the "chalk walls" giving them more of the appearance of chalk lines. The first version was more like chalk eraser lines (where the chalk was in negative space instead of positive space). #131 is the same as #130, but with a different font thrown into the mix. I just wanted to see if you might like it. #132 and #133 are a little different, and I was thinking less about the idea of a sort of 3 dimensional room and more like space planning on paper (like sketching out a floor plan). Tilting the image while keeping the text straight throws off the symmetry a little bit.
Let me know your thoughts. I've done this many times, but as you said, you're new to the process, so I'm just trying to help guide you through it as best I can.
Lindsey, Thanks for the response and revissions. Although you may not believe it, I have gone through this process before. I know how difficult it can be, and how it can go on forever, if one lets it. I hope not to over-extend this conversation. Take a look at Puresend.com This is my company. We revised our logo in 2006 to what you see on site.
Here are my responses:
I don't like 132 or 133. They are a bit too messy to continuously view. I don't like the font of 131. I think we should stick to font from 106. I don't like the more square shape. Lets stick to more rectangle like in 129 or 106 (although 129 looks bigger)
OK - what do I like?
I think I like the new chalk walls from 130...can it be sized like 129? What do you think of the revised typeset spacing? I think I like what you did by pushing words together.
I am conferring with colleagues and will be back to you for sure tomorrow.
Lindsey, I conferred with some colleagues. Here is what I would like to move forward with.
Lets use the Chalk Walls from 130 Lets use the text alignment and location of 93 Please bold "chalk" like you did in 129 Please confirm the fonts are the same - just lower and upper Please size graphic like 93 For now - use the colors from 106
Sorry Cliff, I forgot to mention it is the same font, but in two variations because you asked for "chalk" to be bolder. I'll be able to point you to where you can purchase them.
I don't really think they look like paint strokes, but what matters is what you think. In the context of the name, I think it's clear, and it's something that will always be subjective to the viewer.
Regarding a sign, I think it would depend on the materials you use. Also, when a logo is very detailed as this one is, you may need to make adjustments if it's scaled up very large or down very small. For example, the detailed edges won't really translate to a 16x16 icon, and scaled up very large, you may want to add more detail because there's more physical space to work with. The EPS file will scale as much as you'd like.
Lindsey - I am going to pick the winner today. Can you let me know what color you are using for text? Its looks blueish. Maybe its my screen. I am looking for something a but more gray.
Let me know ASAP, and maybe post one with a different color for text. Everything else looks great...although as mentioned a few days ago, I will likely change up the chalk wall colors after I spend more time on the Colour Lovers site
Cliff, the text is the same color as the bottom bar -- the floor of the image. I had intended for these to be the same color. It is a steel blue gray. I will upload one in which the text is more plain gray.